Emilia Romagna is in the orange zone from Sunday: bars and restaurants closed


Regional Health Adviser Raffaele Donini: “The stress and pressure on the departments was what led the government to go to the gang”

REGGIO EMILIA. Emilia Romagna goes to the Orange band. The additional restrictions, with respect to the last regional ordinance that will go into effect tomorrow, It will be effective from Sunday. Bars and restaurants closed (which may still make home deliveries or take away) and prohibition of moving from municipality to municipality and between regions (except for proven work, health or necessity needs and with the obligation of certification): these are the main measures that they add to the greater hardening sanctioned by the autonomic ordinance that will come into force as of tomorrow.

“We will move to the orange zone from Sunday.” Thus, the regional health councilor, Raffaele Donini, commented on the entry of Emilia-Romagna into the orange zone as of Sunday. “The stress and pressure on the departments – he stressed – was what led the government to move to the band” for some regions. The filling percentage in the intensive care units in Emilia-Romagna, Donini added, is “34%” and this pressure “has led to a greater transition of the band.”

Based on the monitoring of the control room of the Higher Institute of Health and the Ministry of Health, the number of regions in the red zone increases. There are seven because Campania and Tuscany are about to join Calabria, Lombardy, Piedmont, the province of Bolzano and Val d’Aosta.

The regions in the orange zone go up to 9 with Emilia-Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Marche linking Abruzzo, Basilicata, Liguria, Puglia, Sicily and Umbria.. Lazio, Molise, Trento, Sardinia and Veneto are still yellow.

According to the latest Dpcm, the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, after notifying the Regions affected by the new measures, signed the ordinance that changes their restrictions.

National average Rt below 1.5

Once again, based on monitoring, the national average Rt, the epidemic’s reproduction factor, fell below 1.5. It was at 1.71 according to data for the week of October 26 to November 1, now it is down to 1.43.

In many regions, however, the situation, taking into account not only the RT but also the 21 indicators used by the control room, would be getting worse. On this point, the control room pointed out that the epidemic “although it is intensified due to a greater impact on healthcare services, it shows a slight reduction in transmissibility compared to the previous week.” This could be “an early sign of the impact of mitigation measures introduced at the national and regional level as of October 25, 2020.” Obviously, it will take a few weeks to understand the trend. This trend will be confirmed in the coming weeks and should not lead to a relaxation of measures or a decrease in attention to behavior ”.
