Bologna, December 6, 2020 – This morning, Emilia Romagna woke up yellow with happiness. With the decline of the risk indicators on which the CTS and the Ministry of Health base the color verdict that corresponds to the different regions, from tonight until midnight, theEmilia romagna has left behind the restrictions of the orange zone. What changes in the passage with respect to the rules that are in force inlast Dpcm that is still valid until January 15?
Covid newsletter and infections of December 5 in Emilia Romagna – The Faq: this is what you can do
It remains Active curfew from 10 pm to 5 am also in the yellow zone, but now it will be possible to move between municipalities and also between regions. Allowed in free movement inside Emilia Romagna without resort to self certification just like him travel to other regions as long as they are always considered the yellow zone.
The distinctions imposed for the Christmas holidays by the new Dpcm impose the blocking movements between regions, even if it is a yellow zone, from December 21 to January 6, also to reach second residences.
the December 25 and 26 and the January first they will be prohibited He too movements from one municipality to another exceptionally and for New Year planned a curfew fireworks with the extension from 10pm to 7am also in the yellow zone. The return to one’s own “house, home or residence” will always be allowed. This will also allow couples separated for work reasons (but not only) to meet under the same roof.
Displacements are always allowed for work reasons, necessity -which also includes assistance to the elderly who are not self-sufficient- and health, even at night, but accompanied by a prior self-declaration.
One of the main novelties that will accompany the return to the yellow zone will be the reopening of public establishments come Pub, restaurants or similar. These activities, previously enabled only for take away food service, will once again be also accessible for on-site consumption from 5 to 18, Also to Christmas me Saint Stephen. After this term The take away sale will remain active until 10:00 pm., also only for home delivery. During public opening hours Will not be but nevertheless It is possible to sit at the table in more than four people.
They remain closed instead also in the yellow zone i malls in the days holidays and days before holidays until January 15, ad exception from pharmacy, parapharmacies, Health institutions, stories food, tobacco ed kiosks.
Retail activities will expand, as a result of the last Dpcm, theopening hours until 9pm until January 6, which provides the opportunity for trade flows to be distributed over a wider time window.
Stores open in the yellow zone of Emilia Romagna on weekends
Ceremonies, events, meetings: what changes
They remain prohibited mainly commercial events such as festivals, Christmas markets and the like that are not part of the ordinary activity of the stable or periodic market.
They remain prohibited He too cultural and artistic events. It means closed still museums, cinemas me theater even if it is in the yellow zone.
the religious functions come mess, weddings, baptisms and funerals can be carried out taking into account the government protocols for your safe conduct.
Sports and physical activity: what changes
Continues in to block also in the yellow zone to sporting events and competitions character amateur.
The passage no won’t even allow the reopening of gyms, swimming pools or swimming centers, wellness centers and spas.
Remain allowed on the other hand, and without the limitation of proximity to home or more generally of permanence within the municipality of residence,motor activity and individual sports outdoors, with the obligation to respect safety distances and wear a mask in case of a simple walk.
There are no Sunday outings to the mountains for ski lovers. the The ski lifts will also remain closed in the yellow zone until January 6.
Distance learning remains 100% for high schools and colleges, except for hands-on and experimental lab activities. On the other hand, kindergarten, primary school and lower secondary school remain present for all classes. To go back to school for high school students, you must wait until January 7.
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