Bologna, March 12, 2021 – With an Rt at 1.34 All Emilia-Romagna, together with Lombardy, Veneto, Marche, Friuli, Piedmont, Lazio, Puglia and the autonomous province of Trento are in the red zone. In this way, Campania and Molise remain in the red zone. The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, based on the data and indications of the Control Room, will sign new ordinances that will come into effect from Monday, March 15.
The focus Red zone: rules. What can be done
It was anticipated yesterday by the Regional Minister of Health, Raffaele Doinini, who defined the current situation as a “worrying, problematic and critical” situation. And today the confirmation arrived with exceeding the threshold of 250 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, that imposes the highest level of mitigation possible. Threshold already exceeded as well as byEmilia romagna also from the autonomous province of Trento, the autonomous province of Bolzano, Marche, Friuli Venezia-Giulia, Piedmont and Lombardy.
Astrazeneca vaccine suspended: stop in batch ABV2856 also in Emilia Romagna – Italy and Emilia Romagna Newsletter of March 12
Not that there is great news compared to today: in the red zone, by decision of the Region, there are already Bologna, Modena and all of Romagna. Will change (but little) for Reggio emilia, which is now dark orange in color, while it will change a little more by Ferrara, Parma and Piacenza, which until now had remained in the ‘standard’ orange zone. But, given the skyrocketing infections and suffering in hospitals, the decision now seemed obvious. There are only 4 autonomous regions and provinces (Calabria, PA Bolzano, Sardinia and Umbria) with a punctual weekly Rt below 1. Sicily stops at 1. The other 16 have a transmissibility index above 1. The highest value it is in Basilicata with 1.53 and in Campania with 1.5. Friuli Venezia Giulia registers a Rt of 1.39, Emilia Romaga 1.34, Piedmont 1.41, Lazio 1.31 and Lombardy at 1.3. In the last follow-up, the regions with Rt above 1 were 10.
In the red zone, you cannot leave home except for health reasons, necessity, and go to work. Entering the red zone will make a difference especially for the bars and restaurants which will remain open only for take away (bars only until 6 pm) and home deliveries. But the measure that has the greatest impact on the lives of families is the obligation to remote wake-up enabled for all students of all types and levels of schools, including universities. However, even in the red zone, there is still the possibility of going to the second box also to or from the orange or red areas.
At least another 15 red days
The decision, unlike the case of the last measures on the colors of the provinces, came directly from Palazzo Chigi, with the consequence of a minimum duration of tightening of restrictions of 14 days In addition, it adds to the time that those who met there a week ago have already spent in the red zone. Romagna, the last zone to be added to the regional decision red zone, had a March 21 deadline for the order. Now, however, the times are getting longer.
Meanwhile, the EU has confirmed Emilia-Romagna in the ‘dark red’ areas, that is, those with the highest risk of Covid. And from this week the Marches also enter this band, along with Campania, Lombardia, Friuli-Venezia Giulia.
The incidence
“With the data that are emerging,” that the whole region is in the red zone “is in things – Commissioner Donini explained to Skytg24 -. The incidence of cases is above 250 per 100,000 inhabitants per week and in the pavilions we have a saturation of 45% in intensive care and 49% in the rooms of covid covid. We all hope to have a peak these days but we are registering many cases, even very problematic from a clinical point of view “.
The case of Bologna
In particular, the situation is critical in the Bolognese hospitals, which in the first wave had taken in patients from other areas, allowing the smaller centers to withstand the impact. A function that is no longer so obvious. In the only regional pediatric intensive care unit, which is located in Sant’Orsola in Bologna, two children with covid are hospitalized: she, 11, is from Ferrara, he, 14, is from Modena.
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