Emilia Romagna in the red zone (at least) until the 12th. Rt 0.83 – Chronicle


Bologna, April 2, 2021 – TheEmilia romagna stay in the red zone at least until April 12. As was widely predicted yesterday, the Cts-Iss sui Regions colors they do not leave room for promotions for our region towards less restrictions. Two factors ‘condemn’ the Bonaccini region to (at least) another week in the red: hospitals which is above 50% for both intensive care and non-critical wards, and the incidence of new cases per 100,000 inhabitants, well above the national average (232) and even above 250, the threshold beyond which the red zone is activated.

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But there is good news: the contagion rate Rt still falls to 0.83 and thus it becomes one of the best in Italy. However, the draft of the weekly monitoring of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità classifies Emilia Romagna as a region risk high epidemic.

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“We continue in a situation of incidence from the red zone”, anticipates in the morning the Councilor for Health of Emilia Romagna. Raffaele Donini, which nevertheless sees some signs of hope in the drop in the index Rt. “ME’ well below 1 and this gives us good hope that in the coming days the curve will not only lighten but also lower and relieve the pressure on the hospital wards, “says the commissioner, last night at a meeting via Zoom organized by the Agora of the Democratic Party. “We continue to be in a delicate situation in terms of the saturation of hospital wards, both in terms of intensive care and Covid wards,” Donini specifies.

In the next few days, remember then, “we will have the demanding appointment of the schools reopening. We must guarantee maximum security and rapid action in case of cases or outbreaks. And the continuous vaccination of school personnel. We believe that we can at least exhaust those who intend to get vaccinated in a few weeks. ” For this purpose, the 100,000 doses of Astrazeneca serum that arrive in the region and will be sent to family doctors next week are destined.

What to do and what not to do on April 3, 4 and 5 – Red zone after Easter: the rules

Emilia-Romagna is also among the seven Italian regions, in addition to the two autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano, marked in dark red in the last map of European Center for Disease Control (Ecdc), related to the danger of Covid. The other regions are Valle d’Aosta, Piedmont, Lombardy, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Market and Puglia.

The councilor for health policies Raffaele Donini meanwhile, he reassures: “There is and will not be a cut in the resources allocated to the complementary salary of health personnel”, while “additional resources for complementary treatments” will arrive for the personnel and the local health authorities “for the financing of services in the field. of the anti-Covid vaccination plan “.


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On the vaccine front, the latest report from the Gimbe Foundation (March 24-30) explains how Italy “still lags behind in protecting the elderly and frail: 28.3% of those over 80 have completed the vaccination cycle and 27.4% received only the first dose; still at the starting line the age group 70-79 years; there is no data available on the fragile ”, adds the Foundation.

For the governor Stefano bonaccini the region is ready to reach “30,000 daily vaccinations very soon, as soon as the number of doses delivered arrives”, ready to work “even at night.
