
On September 14, the bell rings to start the new 2020/2021 school year. An anomalous year in the shadow of Covid 19 that does not show signs of letting go, since the number of infected has risen again and as stated by the commissioner for the Arcuri emergency, in reference to the school staff who underwent in the serological test, there are 13 thousand, of the approximately 500 thousand examined, teachers and administrative personnel of the school who tested positive for Covid.
The school opens with different scenarios, since from north to south there are classrooms that seem to have nothing to envy to the Swedish models, arranged in complete safety, with new desks that create a comfortable and modern environment, while others have remained anchored to last March, with benches (awaiting the arrival of new ones) placed against Covid if necessary, at the limit of the famous physical distance of one meter.
Emergency over emergency since this has been defined as the year in which the record of substitutes will be reached, more than 85 thousand vacant chairs and with the absence of support teachers everywhere, in fact it is expected that around 80 thousand will be convened precarious teachers to fill chairs without holders.
Because there is a lack of support teachers
Also this year, like a déjà vu, the schools will lack supportive teachers, and Minister Azzolina herself said a few days ago: ” The evils of support come a long way: those who live in the school know it. To solve them we need programming and new rules on hiring teachers. We have a chronic shortage of specialists. This year we have increased the places for those who want to specialize, but it is not enough. We need a strategic support plan and we have already started working on it.”.
In reality, in addition to the places prohibited by the universities, which are always laughable and insufficient to meet national needs, there is the lack of transformation into the repeal of chairs and the meager entry into the support role. It is evident that from such a state of things the didactic continuity to which the disabled student is entitled is inevitably broken.
Didactic continuity that must be guaranteed to all students as required by decree no. 96/2019, article 14 and that unfortunately continues to be a written rule but not implemented.
Another phenomenon generated by the lack of support professors is that Deans, to fill vacant chairs, are often forced to summon non-specialized personnel, but being support professors does not mean “guaranteeing the year of service.”
Who is the support teacher
Beyond the skills that the support teacher who becomes such after attending a Specialization Course at the University possesses, his task is to take his student by the hand and never leave him during his path of learning and school inclusion. .
The lockdown phase of last March put all the teachers to the test and even more so the support teachers who had to do everything possible not to lose contact with their student and their class.
The substitution of the DAD for the face-to-face lesson has upset that habitual way of being together. Never like on that occasion, love for work has dominated every action and every behavior, leaving aside even the fears of what was happening. Being a support teacher is not only the transmission of skills and knowledge, but it is love, patience, respect, sharing. The student increasingly needs his self-esteem and motivation, and this represents the leitmotif of the teaching process of the support teacher.
What the support teacher should not do
The support teacher is often used to replace absent teachers, we could say that in schools it is a common practice. Already in the initial phase of the school year, waiting for the support teachers in charge to arrive, the holders of the support chair are forced to leave their students to support disabled students, without a teacher, let’s say it is an emergency phase and understandably, the custom of using the support teacher to replace absent classmates is different. In this regard, we recall what was expressed by the Miur in the following notes:
Not ten. 4274 of August 4, 2009
“The support teacher cannot be used to perform any other type of function other than those strictly related to the integration project, if this different use reduces even minimally the effectiveness of said project”
Not ten. 9839 of November 8, 2010
“It seems appropriate to draw attention to the advisability of not resorting to the replacement of absent teachers by staff in support positions, except in exceptional cases that cannot be resolved otherwise”