Emergency Night Summit: All New Grips on the Table


From the staggered entry into schools to distance learning, from the promotion of intelligent work to the curfew hypothesis, passing through the early closure of the premises: there are many hypotheses on the table of the Scientific technical committee (Cts), as many as possible narrow even mimicking the spread of the new coronavirus.

At the end of the umpteenth day of fire, which took off in the afternoon, when the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, requested a meeting at the Cts to anti Covid measures For its adoption, the experts analyzed the situation of the pandemic in Italy. A note released by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers states that “The CTS points to the current uncertainty in relation to the epidemiological aspects related to the circulation and transmission of the virus, despite the awareness that, at present, outbreaks are mainly within families“.

The indications of the Scientific Technical Committee

To stop the epidemiological curve, the CTS advised “the incentive of smart work both in the public and private sectors“. Not only that: also in the viewer instruction and I work. Among the indications provided by the technicians, we talk about admissions in staggered schedules for high schools and universities, the involvement of doctors and pediatricians to speed up the tampon system and interventions in local public transport.

One of the main goals is to relieve pressure on the aforementioned local public transport, considered critical and that “It does not seem to have adapted to the renewed needs, despite the fact that the CTS highlighted the need for a reorganization since last April, promoting a different mobility with the active involvement of local institutions and mobility managers.“.

The CTS also recommended “the coherence of the limitation already provided by current regulations on the maximum number of people who can share the same table within catering premises“And again, he goes on to point out, a” temporal limitation to the use of events with a large public aggregation (such as congresses, fairs, etc.) and other meetings of spontaneous or otherwise organized people is necessary. ““In other words, the next new straits that the government led by Giuseppe Conte will introduce will be based on the indications of the CTS.

From a health point of view, the CTS once again emphasized that there is “absolute need for timely diagnosis“of the covid, of a”Monitoring and effective contact tracing through the participation of free choice general practitioners and pediatricians, through active recruitment actions, strengthening diagnostic systems (for example, Drive-in).“. According to the Scientific Technical Committee, a”strengthening of territory medicine, possibly with the support of the national civil protection system“.
