“Elevated photovoltaic panels and roofed warehouses”


Bad weather in Tuscia – The senator of the Lega Umberto Fusco asks that the state of natural disaster be recognized

Damage caused by bad weather in Tuscia

Damage caused by bad weather in Tuscia

Damage caused by bad weather in Tuscia

Damage caused by bad weather in Tuscia

Damage caused by bad weather in Tuscia

Damage caused by bad weather in Tuscia

Damage caused by bad weather in Tuscia

Damage caused by bad weather in Tuscia

Damage caused by bad weather in Tuscia

Damage caused by bad weather in Tuscia

Damage caused by bad weather in Tuscia

Damage caused by bad weather in Tuscia

Damage caused by bad weather in Tuscia

Damage caused by bad weather in Tuscia

Damage caused by bad weather in Tuscia

Damage caused by bad weather in Tuscia

Viterbo – We receive and publish – There are many damages caused by the wave of bad weather that hit our province today. The gusts of wind and the water pump hit the capital and many other municipalities in the Viterbo area, causing significant inconvenience to the population and in some cases serious damage to economic activities, infrastructure and buildings.

There are many rural areas and farmlands that have been damaged.

The gusts of wind, in addition to having caused the violent fall of numerous trees, have literally raised photovoltaic panels in different areas, compromising the functionality of entire systems, exposed the roofs of private buildings and literally destroyed warehouses.

I carried out an inspection on Camorelle street, one of the areas most affected by today’s violent storm and the damage caused is very serious, as you can see in the photos taken.

I am grateful to the prefect of Viterbo, the police and the fire brigade for the promptness with which they gave their assistance and that they are still working to restore the safety of the places.

Due to the violence of the damage suffered, I urgently ask the Municipality and the Region to prepare all the necessary procedures so that the state of natural disaster is recognized.

Umberto Fusco
Salvini Viterbo League

August 30, 2020
