A drama created to take a photo in front of that club that made the history of dance music between the 80s and the 90s. She died like this Eleonora Parisi, the 43-year-old from Turin, on vacation in Tuscany with her partner who lives in Florence. The two had come to Tirrenia with the intention of taking a bath but before reaching the beach the woman wanted to take a picture of herself. to the mythical Imperial club, today a bathhouse. So he stuck to the concrete beam connecting the reproduction of two Roman columns in a garden between the terrace at the end of Piazza Belvedere and the parking lot, a private area delimited by flowerpots and plants. However, the beam broke and hit the woman on the head and neck. Rescue attempts were futile – the 43-year-old was killed instantly. The Carabinieri intervened on the spot.
Outside the garden there would be a no-entry sign. Now it is up to the investigations to clarify the responsibilities of the owners of the area and the exact dynamics of the tragedy. The material was seized for the necessary controls.
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