Fragments of latex gloves were found at the crime scene of Daniele De Santis and Eleonora Manta. The couple was killed in Lecce on Monday night by a murderer who so far managed to escape the police forces: a cunning killer, who covered his face with a sweatshirt, put on gloves and drew on a sheet of paper. – then lost in the escape – the way forward so as not to be framed by the video surveillance cameras in the area.
On a note the way forward to avoid the cameras: the killer’s plan to kill Eleonora and Daniele without leaving a trace
But something, in the plan of this fierce murderer, went wrong: fragments of latex gloves were found by the forensic police at the entrance of the house in Via Montello where the murder took place and on the stairs, where the murderer – moments after beating Eleonora 35 times – he stabbed Daniele to death. Those fragments will be sent to the Carabinieri de los Ris in Rome to find out if the murderer has left his signature: traces of blood, from which to extract the DNA.
The investigations continue, rigorously, with the examination of the two PCs of the murdered youths – PCs that have been kidnapped – and the mobile phones of Daniele and Eleonora. We look for clues on social profiles, among the couple’s contacts. Last updated: 19:35