
More than 1 billion masks delivered by the government to schools. The official data are collected in the database that the Ministry of Education publishes in the “Back to school” section.
A useful section and not for professionals is the one that deals with the FAQ, questions and answers on the most frequent topics about the pandemic and its implications in the school environment.
One of the questions answered by the Ministry refers to the use of the mask in school, particularly for primary school, where, in recent weeks, face-to-face activities have continued.
Can students change the mask if there is a full or long time? The Ministry answers yes.
In the full-time elementary school and extended-time lower secondary school sections, it is necessary to plan for replacement of the surgical mask in the middle of the day to ensure its efficiency. The commissioner is already developing the related additional supplies. Note no. 1994 of November 9, 2020 with the indications regarding the use of masks.
The ministerial note, signed by the head of department Max Bruschi, specifies that, starting from primary school, therefore, The mask should always be worn by anyone present at the school, while on the school premises and in the accessories., even when the students are sitting at the desk and regardless of the distance conditions (1 meter between the mouth rims) provided for in the previous protocols, “except for children under six years of age and for subjects with pathologies or disabilities incompatible with use of the mask ”, whose specific situations are detailed in section 2.9 of the DPCM.
Of course, it is possible to lower the mask to drink, for the moments of the canteen and the snack.
Masks, more than a billion given to schools. Updated data