Electronic medical record, in Emilia Romagna it becomes automatic. What changes


Bologna, October 9, 2020 – The Electronic medical record becomes automatic for all citizens: the digital revolution of medicine comes to life in Emilia romagna. The Region, first in Italy, adapts to the national provisions on digital health contained in the so-called ‘Reactivation Decree’, and to give force to this change there is also a resolution of the Regional Council, with which the economic commitment of the Corps to enhance this tool, which remotely gives the possibility of storing and consulting all health information.

The tool, in fact, simultaneously stores, in a continuous and timely manner, the health history and allows direct access to online services. Of course, to protect your privacy, the health professionals who care for the patient will only be able to consult you after your consent.

the resources allocated for the 2020/2021 biennium amount to 14,741,049.84 euros, distributed between the health authorities (80% of the total, therefore 11,792,839.88 euros) and the Lepida company itself (to which the remaining 20% ​​goes , for a total amount of 2,948,209.96 euros, to increasingly improve this useful tool available to healthcare professionals and patients.

I am currently in Emilia Romagna 1,197,964 active files, compared to a potential user, that is, patients who have a free choice GP or pediatrician, of 4.5 million people.

“The more digitized and computerized a healthcare system is, the more prepared it will be to respond quickly to patient needs,” he says. Raffaele donini, regional adviser for health policies -. We have always seen the electronic medical record as a fundamental tool to guarantee better care to our citizens, also significantly reducing many difficulties related to the lack of communication between structures, so today we are proud to say that Emilia Romagna is the first region in Italy that adopts it in a systematic way for all citizens. But it is, I want to reiterate, a possibility with the greatest respect for the protection of privacy and freedom of choice, not an imposition – Donini concludes -: the Dossier is created automatically, but it will be activated and will be available only and only when the patient you will have given your consent, and all activity will always be traceable. ”

Electronic health record, this is what changes

While previously it was the sole user who was in charge of activating their ESF, first registering online and then completing the process at an Ausl counter, now the electronic health record is created remotely for each region of Emilia-Romagna, and all medical documents produced by public and private facilities are uploaded there automatically. The citizen, as is happening now, will also be able to integrate the Archive, autonomously incorporating more documents, thus completing their medical history.

The simplification of the procedure, however, does not affect the privacy and freedom of decision of the citizens: the doctors of the regional health service, the general practitioners and the pediatricians of free choice may consult the documentation only with the clear consent of the patient, who may also deliver it verbally to the doctor, obviously after patient charge. In any case, the patient reserves the right to revoke the authorization at any time, either by contacting the same professional to whom it was issued, or by completing the online procedure.

To further protect patients’ personal data, all actions, from obtaining consent to accessing documents, are trail, registered and available for direct consultation by citizens in their electronic medical record, with the possibility of receiving these notifications via email.

by and healthcare professionalsIn addition to specific information that, on first access to the new ESF, illustrates all the data management rules, there is a dedicated portal that summarizes all the information necessary for a correct consultation of the health documentation.
