According to the first projections of SWG for La7, Eugenio Giani (center-left) reaches 46.5 in the regional in Tuscany, Susanna Ceccardi (center-right) 42.3, Irene Galletti (M5s) is at 6.1%.
According to the first projection of the Opinio Italia consortium for Rai, Giani has 46.4%, followed by Susanna Ceccardi with 42.1%. Sample coverage is 6%.
For the Opinio-Rai exit at the head of the regional in Tuscany is Eugenio Giani who runs through the center-left: he is at 43.5-47.5. Followed by Susanna Ceccardi in the center right, at 40-44%, Irene Galletti (M5S) at 4.5-6.5%, Tommaso Fattori (Tuscany on the left) at 2-4%.
According to the Tecnè intention survey published by Mediaset, Giani would be around 44-48% and Ceccardi in a range between 41 and 45%. The M5 candidate, Irene Galletti, is estimated between 4.5 and 8.5%.
According to Quorum / Youtrend Instant Polls for Sky Tg24, Giani is between 41-45%, Ceccardi is between 38-42%, Irene Galletti is between 8-12%.
Based on the second screening of the Opinio Italia consortium for Rai In the lists of support for the presidential candidates in Tuscany, the Democratic Party (which supports Eugenio Giani) is the first party with 34.4%. They are followed, in the center-right and in support of Susanna Ceccardi, by La Liga with 22.6%, Fratelli d’Italia with 13% and Forza Italia with 4.4. The 5-star movement reaches 7.3%, while Italy and Europe stop at 3.7. The coverage of the sample is 17%.