
Well, an apparently anonymous but not “secret” way that voting is carried out in collegiate bodies (which are something very different from the election) is not capable of guaranteeing compliance with these conditions, so much so that the same The Ministry affirmed “in reference to the possibility of electronic voting” that “in compliance with the principles that establish the freedom and secrecy of voting … it is undoubtedly a perspective to work on.” Regardless of the need to guarantee free and full access to vote for all.
The ministerial communiqué of October 3 continues, which both “requires, however, a prior reflection on the evaluation and implementation of all forms of simplification and efficiency of the ordinary procedures of educational institutions.” This “modernization of the school system” would also have the stated objective of “expanding voting participation.”
Also, it is notorious that parents drop out of school elections, as is the fact that the costs of school (also of this) are extremely high.
With a view to this simplification, bill S155, presented in 2018 during the XVIII Legislature, in art. 5 paragraph 1 letter. d) includes among the tasks of the school council “the approval of the school regulations that define the criteria for the organization and operation of the school, the participation of students and families in the activities of the school, the choice and replacement of the members of the school council and the management of the school institution, the procedures for the election of the president of the school council, the procedures for the election of the director of the school institution appointed among the superior teachers registered in the regional registry to which they are Article 15 refers to, the appointment of full professors and external members of the evaluation unit referred to in Article 10. ”Probably the possibility of choosing someone’s” direction “could be considered sufficient to compensate for the fact that each school can choose your own electoral system.
Also for PDL 697 art. 5 section 1 letter a) the board of directors: “decides on the regulations related to its operation, including the procedures for the election, replacement and appointment of its members”.
Who knows what they think and if the coordinators (online) -which at critical moments revive participation- are aware of the simplified option of letting each school decide its own electoral law and in general the new school governance structure.
However, this year the inconveniences reported for the renewal of the collegiate school bodies are understandable and justifiable, not only because the means used in the case of political and / or administrative elections are quite different, but also due to the fact that in this If there is no class, there is suspension of classes (in fact, the student elections and the renewal elections of the school boards are expiring and the supplementary ones are also held during them) and the remediation activities must be carried out promptly, within a limited period and with scarce resources.
Added to this are the different organizational methods adopted by schools, when necessary, taking into account the number of students through, for example, the establishment of class groups and, when possible, distance and face-to-face teaching. And we cannot omit hypotheses of closure due to the presence of positive cases that would determine a possible postponement.
Although reference is made to OM 215/91, it is therefore a difficult undertaking to fully comply with its provisions. Just think of the impossibility or extreme difficulty of applying art. 22 for which assemblies (especially if necessarily online – remotely – potentially both parents being able to participate with the consequent overcrowding of the rooms) should take place “in no less than two hours and without interruption compared to the assembly that ends with the beginning of the aforementioned electoral operations “with subsequent election (in presence) involving all classes at the same time, also in this case with inevitable gatherings and sanitation operations that then must affect the entire building and each class to allow normal lessons resumption the next day. Without forgetting the possibility of voting safely and respecting the distance also on Mondays from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the ordinary procedure of art. 40.
As a result, recalling the fundamental points of autonomy after this ordinance, schools (provided that no more information is received in the meantime) to identify the different methods could be inspired by the principles of “favoring maximum participation” (art. 22) and to reduce “to the minimum the inconvenience of the voters” (article 37) by excluding electronic voting … although this could mean extending the vote in several days or in any case adopting an organization different from the usual one.
With a view to co-responsibility and positive collaboration of the school components, it will be necessary to understand that mainly slavish compliance with the ordinance indications may not be possible, nevertheless avoiding litigation and remembering that in addition to the resources of the prodromal phases ( articles 28 and 34) art. 46 provides for an appeal against the “results” and invoking a necessary nonconformity of the procedure to allow the vote in security to challenge them would not be compatible with the desire to create that “community” of art. 3 of Legislative Decree 297/94.
Good turnout