
Matteo Renzi keeps Giuseppe Conte alert and sends a message: vote in case of crisis? No, you must first check if there is a majority. The leader of Italia Viva comes to light in an interview with Messaggero: “They accuse me of trying to break up but I work to save the country. I bet on a great parliamentary team to go to the 2023 elections.” Regarding the Recovery Fund, “there are two hundred billion euros that belong to our children, that we borrow, increasing the public debt and that are used for the future of Italy. I do not accept that anyone wants to spend them secretly, without going through Parliament. And I do not accept that anyone can override the government with task forces and replacement powers. I don’t work for the government crisis, I work to avoid the crisis in the country ”.

“First of all there is a problem of method, then one of merit – says the leader of Italia Viva about the use of EU funds by the Government and Parliament -. The problem of the method is enormous. Let’s be honest intellectually: if this governance proposal had advanced Silvio Berlusconi, today there would be street demonstrations and protests by intellectuals. A huge virtual circle would unite Italy and academic institutions would be plagued with alarms about democratic stability. Dpcm are a questionable response to the health emergency. Inserting the governance of the country’s relaunch project into a budget amendment that reaches ministers in the middle of the night is unacceptable. If other fellow parliamentarians don’t have the courage to call things by name for a quiet life, that’s your problem. As you know, I have many faults but I am not afraid: this is called scandal. And I shout it at the top of my lungs in Parliament, on television, in the newspapers ”.

Renzi reiterates the “threat”: if the working group for European funds does not change, support for the government will fall. “We are interested in helping Italy – Renzi continues -, not in bringing an extra minister. We have two ministers and an undersecretary: unlike the other Teresa, Elena, Iván are willing to resign in the morning and leave the three chairs. you need stools or folding seats: we are the ones who come up with ideas, not the ones who ask for seats ”. On the crisis and early elections, he says that “if we ever reach a crisis we will talk to the institutions, not to the commentators. The compass for the President of the Republic is the Constitution. I think we will vote for politics in 2023. The allies of the Democratic Party almost everyone thinks like me and like Delrio. But many do not have the strength and courage to say it. The important thing is that the prime minister begins to listen to us. I say it above all for his interest. “