Elections and referendums, at 7:00 p.m., participation of 30.2% In Tuscany 36.1%, Campania 26.5


Elections, 12.25% participation at 12. In Tuscany 14.67%, Campania at 11.32

Regional elections 2020 me referendum, a Sunday to vote. Participation (data in update) at age 19 for the constitutional referendum is 30.23%. Here are the still partial data of the turnout at 19 in the regional elections: Liguria 31.5% – Veneto 35.26% – Tuscany 36.1% – Puglia 27.4% – Campania 26.5% – Market 32.5%. For him Aosta Valley the figure is still 12: 17.6%.

“The prefectures have informed us of the regular establishment of all seats in Italy.” Thus – interviewed in Rainews 24 – the prefect Caterina D’Amato, central director of the electoral services of the Ministry of the Interior. “Certainly there have been – she added – some critical issues that have been overcome thanks to the commendable work of the mayors and municipal offices that are in charge of organizing the squares.”

Elections, Italy returns to the vote: a challenge to Covid and the risk of abstention

The Minister of Regional Affairs and Autonomies, Francesco Boccia, voted at 10 in Bisceglie, Puglia, for the position installed in the Sergio Cosmai primary school. Skip the line for the Chancellor Luigi di maio, which was not preceded by any elector at seat 18 of via Sandro Pertini in Pomigliano d’Arco (Naples). After the vote, the minister paused in front of the “Sulmona” school with the candidate for mayor of Pomigliano d’Arco, Gianluca Del Mastro, supported by Pd, M5s, and seven civic lists, to which he made his own ” in good luck. ” Roberto Fico, president of the Chamber, voted for the regional elections and for the referendum on the reduction of parliamentarians. Fico went to the voting station installed in the school of the electoral headquarters in the Posillipo district of Naples.

Silvio Berlusconi voted this morning. The Forza Italia leader had requested to vote from home in accordance with the procedure for Covid patients. The operators then collected their vote at home.
The President of Veneto Luca zaia, candidate for his third term as governor, went with his wife at 9:30 am to the electoral college set up in the schools of San Vendemiano (Treviso), opposite the City Hall.
“Good vote to everyone and everyone!” Nicola Zingaretti voted this morning at the electoral college of the Giuseppe Gioacchino Bellì school in via Antonio Mordini, in the Prati district of Rome. The Democratic Party secretary posted the photo on Facebook with best wishes to voters.


Last updated: 19:38

