Luca zaia triumph in Veneto. The outgoing president travels to the 76.41 percent and his personal list is at 50.84 while the league is stuck at 14.31. If you add the flop in Tuscany of the Salvinian candidate Susanna ceccardi, the blow of Stefano caldoro in Campania and the disappointing performance of the fish Raffaele Fitto in Puglia We understand how the League comes out of the ballot box response with broken bones. In particular to South not only did it not provide any electoral contribution in terms of votes and level candidates, but in fact the political proposal was rejected by voters.
The project to make the Carroccio a national political force Not only has it failed miserably, it runs the risk of sparking an internal confrontation. Extreme populism, anti-immigrant propaganda, instilling hatred and resentment in political debate, simplistic recipes for solving the complexity of problems – view COVID-19 and economic crisis – led Italians to do wise decisions and less belly.
Many are cover your nose and they supported the center-left candidates, while others chose, in the case of Zaia, capable administrators, concrete with respect to the smoked Salvini. The project of a League that was proposed as a mass and national party was left alone A suggestion. Electoral doping, ocean crowds, rallies, selfies, obsessive television presence, the omnipotence complex have blinded Salvini and transformed the League into a personal electoral committee.
With the polls closed, it can be said with caution that the confusing Salvinian sauce project has lost. The success of Luca zaia explains many things. The voters of the Northeast have chosen a politician who appears little on television, addresses problems and solves them, proves to be a good administrator, pragmatic, expert and with a vision of the future.
So far, Salvini has not even shown that he is capable of managing a small condo. The months spent at the Viminale are under the gaze of many. The vote certifies that the League of Salvini does not represent the territories, neither in the South nor in the North. In fact, compared to the Carroccio of Umberto Bossi It is no longer even able to indulge the selfish impulses of the North, the so-called locomotive of Italy.
It is a serious political problem for the Lumbards. The Salvinian ‘theater’ no longer likes. Salvini feels the ground collapse under his feet. Given today’s results, he is no longer the leader of the center-right coalition. He was overthrown in fact driven by Giorgia Meloni that with the Brothers of Italy, more than the League it shows to be able to speak with a part of the electorate not only on the right.
Now in Salvini, in addition to the October trial and the Milan investigation, the avalanche of leadership that is no longer credible could be eliminated.
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Veneto, Zaia’s announced triumph: Covid management (and daily visibility) makes the governor of the League (centrist) win