Elections 2020, Meloni: “In a normal nation to vote tomorrow” – Politics


Rome, September 21, 2020 – Be be all Regional elections 2020. Veneto, Liguria me Campania outgoing governors confirm: a true plebiscite for the North League player Luca Zaia (more than 70%), while the center-right candidate Giovanni Toti exceeds 50% and the dem Vincenzo De Luca exceeds 60. Market pass into the hands of the center right, with the victory of the FdI candidate Francesco Acquaroli (more than 45%), while in Puglia -unlike the forecasts of the last days- the outgoing Michele Emiliano is confirmed. Finally, the Tuscany, which occurs in the balance until the last minute, remains in the center left: the candidate Eugenio Giani gives 47.2% against the 40.8% of Susanna Ceccardi of the Northern League. In this stageWhat do the leaders say? Let’s see.

Regionals 2020, Zaia: “Autonomy objective”. Emiliano: “What to say to Renzi? Nothing”

Salvini: “We are 15 of 20”

L ‘election day excites the leader of the League Matteo salvini, which uses social networks to comment on the result of the referendum in the cut of the parliamentarians (he voted yes ‘for coherence’ despite an internal stomach ache) and especially the regional elections 2020. I did not get the ‘Coat‘nor the 5 whom I expected the day before and it seems far from conquering the red fiefdom of Tuscany, not to mention Campania and Puglia, but Salvini sees the glass half full: “As always and more than ever, this time I also say THANK YOU to the millions of Italians who have trusted us – he writes on Facebook -. If the data is confirmed, as of tomorrow Lega e center-right will be leading 15 out of 20 regions! And even where we failed, all at work with one goal: to help, protect and grow our beautiful Italy. “And at the press conference he explains:” If the data is confirmed, the total number of Italian regions should be 15 to 5. Until now the figure was 13 to 7. We approach step by step adding two bricks to our vision of the country. “Salvini then claims the presidency of the Conference of Regions, now in the hands of the governor dem Stefano Bonaccini. “With a ratio of 15 to 5” Regions in the center right “whoever has to go talk to Conte and Gualtieri must be someone else,” said the secretary of the Northern League.


Meloni: “In the normal nation to vote tomorrow”

“I appreciate Acquaroli for this extraordinary victory that rip another fortress to the center-left, because the bastions can be fought ”. This was stated by the leader of the FdI, Giorgia Meloni, when commenting on the results of the elections to the commission of the new governor of the Marches, Francesco Acquaroli, in Ancona. So, “there is a good figure of the center-right government.” She adds: “I am happy with the result of FdI and if the data is confirmed we could proudly say that it is the only party that
grows across the country from north to south “.” In a normal nation, tomorrow we would vote again and Italians would also be allowed to choose on the basis of party reform proposals, ”concludes Meloni.


Zingaretti: “The team won”

“We are winners, I am not the winner. A team, a community has won. You never win alone, but together,” Zingaretti told Rg3. And in the marathon, Mentana throws a leg at Salvini: “There is an agreement on Salvini’s decrees and now absolutely must be modified. It was hard work of a political chisel, even with the territories “but now the changes” must be approved. “


the be be for the Democratic Party it can be translated as securing the Zingaretti secretariat. Therefore, the leader is satisfied, also because he had to deal not only with the right but also with his own allies, M5 and Italia Viva, with whom he failed to make alliances in the territories. “From the data it appears that if our allies had listened to us more, the government alliance would have won in almost all Italian regions,” is the only thing the secretary regrets. Who in another way sees pink: “Regarding the results of the Regionals, we are very satisfied with what is coming out of both the polls and the first, because there is a confirmation of what our expectations were.”

Crimi: “Esito doesn’t discourage me”

The result of the 5 star movement in regional elections don’t discourage the political leader Vito Crimi who in a post on the blog of the stars says he is aware that the pentastelados are facing the challenge of organizing in the territories and reiterates that the path will begin in the coming days. “I am proud of this Movement because it has given the best of itself, although it cannot count on the economic strength that other parties are capable of putting forth,” says Crimi. “The polarization, moreover, ingeniously created in different territories, has certainly hindered the path of our candidates. The result was lower than in the previous regional elections. Today’s result, however, does not discourage me but rather makes the conscience that we are before one is necessary challenge, that of`organization in the territories, to face with enthusiasm and determination, “he observes.” The 5 Star Movement – Crimi is convinced – is the true engine of change of this legislature, engine and stimulus of reforms and historical measures, as demonstrated by the clear victory in the referendum ”.

Gualtieri: “A good day for democracy”

“In a good day for democracy The Italians beat De Luca, Emiliano and Giani and the Pd led by Nicola Zingaretti. Now working to revive Italy and complete the reforms dafter the success of the Yes to the referendum ”, writes the Minister of Economy, Roberto Gualtieri on Twitter.
