Rome, September 22, 2020 – “The Movement’s greatest defeat”. No beating around the bush Alessandro Di Battista when analyzing the result of the 5 stars in regional elections 2020. “If there is something unpleasant in the elections it is that then it seems that they have all won,” she said in a live video on Facebook. Obviously, this is not the case and we must face reality honestly and lucidly ”. Even the victory of the yes in the referendum is in the sights: “70% of the votes cannot be considered a success of the M5 alone. You run the risk of being wrong,” he says. Because “many people who voted yes do not appreciate the 5 Star Movement, in fact they hate it.” Reason why “an excess of jubilation I think is misleading and not correct.”
Di Battista scrolls through regional data, from Campania to Veneto, where the M5s at 2.69% won’t even be able to oppose in the next five years. And he issues his sentence: “It is a debacle,” he says. “In Campania – he explains – we went from 17 to 10%, the Region of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, of the President of the Chamber. In Puglia from 17 to 10%. In Liguria from 22.3 to 7.8%”.
That is why it attacks those who today speak of alliances. As it did Luigi di maio, Interviewed by Daily occurrence. “Where we are in a coalition we often do better at the polls,” said the foreign minister. And that should also make us evaluate agreements with civic lists, “he added. And when the former M5 chief was pointed out that according to Di Battista ‘choosing the least worst inevitably leads to destruction’, Di Maio responded: “Thanks to a government commitment we have come to choose Conte, and I don’t think so at all . least worst. “
Commitments or alliances, words that do not come down to the Roman pentastellato activist: “This is not the issue – Di Battista emphasizes -, the issue is the undeniable identity crisis of the M5” and of that “dream in which many but in which Today they no longer believe that by “doing it” they lack reasons to vote for the 5 “,” weakening us “and making sure that” with these percentages, in two and a half years the restoration will be easier. ” The former deputy grillino traces ‘his’ path: “The only thing to do is the States General as soon as possible, well participated, well organized with a new agenda to get out of the darkness.”
Even according to the Speaker of the House Roberto fico, the M5 “has clearly lost the regional elections. Now as in the past.” But “I wouldn’t like the mistake of linking the M5 crisis with the defeat of the regional teams.” Because “the identity crisis does not arise with this defeat but it is something that has been happening for a long time.” And it is “useless thinking of blaming someone: You are absolutely wrong because the Movement arrived here thanks to the fault of many, the responsibility is absolutely collective ”.
Fico reiterated the need to make the General States of the M5s convened “for a long time and interrupted by the Coronavirus emergency.” A delay that “is not fault: Covid has arrived and we have suspended them.” When there is a confrontation “without war between gangs and personalities and egocentricities, then we can take a path”. Finally, thanks to “Vito Crimi who during this period had a dialogue with all the parliamentarians.”
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