Born in 1974 in Macerata and deputy of the Brothers of Italy, it is the name that Giorgia Meloni had indicated for the center-right coalition and that has obtained the change of course in a region traditionally considered close to the center-left. He was mayor of Potenza Picena and was also a candidate for the presidency in 2015
Francesco Acquaroli is the new president of the Marche region. The center-right candidate, supported by Lega, Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia, Unione di Centro, Movimento per le Marche and Civici con Acquaroli, defeated the other seven candidates for the presidency (ELECTIONS IN MARCH – LIVE UPDATES – THE SPECIAL ELECTIONS). Acquaroli, 46, deputy of the Brothers of Italy, is the name indicated by the leader Giorgia Meloni who achieved the change in a region considered “red”. The Marches in fact go to the center-right after fifty years of center-left, 4 Christian Democratic presidents, two Socialists (Massi and Recchi), two Democrats (D’Ambrosio, from then PDS, and Ceriscioli from Pd) and one exponent by Margherita (Spacca). .
Who is Acquaroli
The results of the elections in the Marches
Born in Macerata in 1974, Acquaroli has a degree in Economics and Business Administration. Former mayor of Potenza Picena from 2014 to 2018, he currently holds the post of deputy in the ranks of the Brothers of Italy and is a member of the parliamentary committee for regional affairs. For Acquaroli it was the second consecutive time as a candidate for the regional presidency: in 2015, also supported by the Lega, he finished third and preferred to maintain the post of mayor of Potenza Picena, where he was elected in 2014 after having also presented in 2009 (defeated by the center-left candidate); in June 2018 he left the mayor’s seat to enter Parliament. For the 2020 regional elections he presented with a 10-point program entitled “RicostruiAmo le Marche”, ranging from the economy, to health, from tourism to post-earthquake reconstruction, from infrastructure to security, also touching issues like rebalancing. territorial.
The controversy surrounding the commemorative dinner of the March on Rome
Acquaroli ended up at the center of the controversy about a year ago, when on October 28, 2019, the anniversary of the March on Rome, he participated in a commemorative dinner of that event, organized by the provincial coordinator of Fratelli d’Italia, with brochures and nostalgic photos. scored by Benito Mussolini. Acquaroli had participated along with other party colleagues, including the mayor of Ascoli Piceno, Marco Fioravanti. When the political storm broke, Acquaroli had explained that he was not aware of the commemorative intention of the occasion and had distanced himself.