Elderly man beaten with kicks and punches in Vicenza. VIDEO


The victim, violently beaten, was admitted to the San Bortolo hospital with a fractured femur and suspected head trauma.

A 25-year-old youth was arrested by Vicenza police, accused of having assaulted and kicked and punched a 73-year-old man, who intervened to quell a violent dispute with a girl. The episode, which dates back to the afternoon of Monday, September 14, in the fruit and vegetable market area of ​​the city, was filmed by people who later gave the video to investigators. The assaulted man was admitted to the San Bortolo hospital with a femur fracture and suspected head injuries.

The violent assault captured on video

In the video posted on the Facebook page of the “Presidium de Vicenza” militants, the young man is seen beating the old man who approached him and the girl, who later turned out to be his girlfriend, with whom he was fighting violently. First he punches him in the face making him fall to the ground, then he continues with kicks to the head and goes with the woman on a bicycle. The victim was rescued by passers-by while the police arrived at the scene, began the search to track down the aggressor, already known to the police, identified within a few minutes and arrested on the hypothesis of the crime of aggravated injuries.
