The Christmas holidays that have just passed were characterized by an intense preventive activity, organized in a more rigorous way by carabinieri by Bojano.
And militari of the Mobile radio they proceeded to the control of several people both in transit on the main roads that cross in the competition area, and in the town of the Matese center, in order to monitor compliance with current regulations.
You are the people sanctioned for non-compliance with the regulations regarding the use of the mask, rather than the consumption of drinks near bars. Two young people were denounced for the criminal offense of the driving while intoxicated.
In San Giuliano del Sannio, During daily territory control activities, a 54-year-old resident was caught on foot, who had tested positive two days earlier. In Covid-19, regardless of the restrictions that were placed on it with the mandatory quarantine, it naturally went around, regardless of the risk to both its own safety and that of others. The man was denounced by the Carabinieri to the Campobasso Public Ministry for the criminal offense sanctioned by current regulations for the ongoing epidemiological emergency.
A 19-year-old from Vinchiaturo who had caused a serious traffic accident resulted in an alcohol content of 1.29 g / l and he was driving a vehicle that was far more powerful than his driver’s license allowed. A similar fate befell a 24-year-old from Sepino who revealed an alcohol content of 1.89 g / l combined with positivity for the use of narcotic substances.
The carabinieri of Torella del Sannio, as part of the concerted controls, after numerous reports received, they sanctioned, with the consequent suspension of activities for 5 days, a bar in the jurisdiction, where, despite the warnings received, the manager allowed the consumption of drinks after closing time. The six clients present at the time of the inspection were in turn sanctioned for breach of the decree.
The carabinieri of the Trivento StationOn the other hand, at the end of an informative-investigative activity, a young man was referred 27 years of Castelmauro for having harassed by telephone and during the night a young woman from Triventina who had denounced unknown persons. The activity carried out, although the young man resorted to the use of public telephone poles, also made it possible to identify him through the telephone cells activated from time to time by his telephone user. The child will also be liable for the crime of threats for having made them to the woman. TO Royal guardInstead, the military identified a cyber criminal, involved in online scams, of which he had flagged one also to the detriment of a local youth, who by joining a sale on the website, had paid the sum of 300 euros, without receiving the merchandise in exchange. The 36-year-old Oristano, identified after bank and telephone investigations, will be responsible for the crime of fraud aggravated by the use of computer means that facilitate the dissimulation of identity.
A similar activity was carried out by the Baranello Carabinieri, which somehow turned out to be more obnoxious, not so much for the methods that are substantially identical, but for the proceeds of the sale, being online purchases of a old people’s home of the territory, whose owner, after having paid the sum to a company in the province of Perugia, has never obtained the goods, absolutely essential principles for operators, in constant risk of contagion. The owner of the selling company, a 66-year-old man from Andria, was reported to the judicial authorities.