
“If you start immunoglobulin therapy within the 10th day, it can counteract the more serious effects of Kawasaki syndrome “, a rare disease, for which a link with Covid-19 has been hypothesized. Alberto Villani, president of the Italian Society of Pediatrics (SIP) and member of the Scientific Technical Committee on Covid-19, underlined this in Adkkronos Salute. “Every year there are 250-400 cases of this syndrome in Italy, and a significant increase has been reported in the Bergamo area. At the moment, however, the link between Covid-19 and the syndrome has yet to be demonstrated, “explains the pediatrician, adding that” the 11,000 SIP pediatricians are conducting careful monitoring. “
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What is Kakasawi disease and how does it occur?
Crucial, in this case, a rapid diagnosis that allows the treatment of children within 10 days. “But we know that fear of the coronavirus is staying away from hospitals right now. A serious mistake, the expert reiterates, my recommendation is not to underestimate the symptoms of the spy: fever above 38.5 for five days, which does not respond to therapy, non-secretory conjunctivitis, enlarged laterocervical lymph nodes, swelling of the back of the hands or of the feet, lips and enlarged tongue, spots on the body. If the fever is accompanied by at least 4 symptoms, which may also appear not simultaneously, then a diagnosis of Kawasaki syndrome», Explains the pediatrician.
Kawasaki disease “is vasculitis, which sometimes affects the coronary arteries. The most affected age group is 1 to 5 years (75%) – Villani recalls – Coronary artery aneurysms can develop and rupture or cause a heart attack Therapy, if implemented in time, may not have significant results, but the time factor is fundamental: the fear of taking children to hospital for fear of the coronavirus exposes them to serious risks. In addition, it must be said that not all detected Kawasaki cases were positive in Covid-19: this is the reason why continuous monitoring will be crucial to clarify, “concludes the pediatrician.
Last update: 11:36