after eighth grade
November 12, 2020 – 7:25 am
The Agnelli Foundation guide is back to help parents find the right school for their children. An even more useful tool in this period of disorientation is Covid
from School writing
Never before in this year of profound disorientation have families needed a compass to guide them in choosing a secondary school for their children. Even more so considering that the health emergency makes it impossible to get a close idea (the Open Days of the schools are suspended due to the Covid). A help can come from the consultation of Eduscopio, the atlas of the best secondary schools, technical and professional institutes in Italy prepared by the Agnelli Foundation. Better based on what? Based on student achievement after graduation. This is the criterion chosen by the Foundation’s experts to measure the quality of educational centers in the most objective way possible (without having the certificate of completion of the baccalaureate that varies notoriously from one center to another). The Eduscopio ranking is based on a statistical index that measures the performance of students in the first year of university (number of exams taken and average grade) understood as a direct consequence of the preparation that schools have given their graduates. For technical and professional institutes there is also a second ranking, based on job opportunities: employment rate and coherence between the studies carried out and the employment found. For this year’s edition, the Agnelli Foundation analyzed data from 1,275,000 Italian graduates from 7,400 schools in three subsequent school years (2014/2015, 2015/2016, 2016/2017). “It is a difficult time for the country and its schools – explains the director of the Agnelli Foundation, Andrea Gavosto -. Many families are disoriented and may have greater difficulties, during the health emergency, to get a clear idea of the choice of the study path and the higher school for the next school year. Eduscopio cannot be the only tool to make an informed decision, but we think that the contribution of information, data and comparisons between schools that it offers for free could be even more useful this year ”. Below are the results for Milan, Rome, Turin, Bologna, Florence and Naples. Although the best school in Italy, for the third consecutive year, is not in any of these big cities, but in Morbegno, in the province of Sondrio: Liceo Scientifico Pier Luigi Nervi.
November 12, 2020 | 07:25