Educational products, clarifies the Ministry: they can be done – School News


On the issue of educational outings there is an important news: a few minutes ago explanatory note from the Ministry in which it is said that the last Dpcm does not prohibit educational activities carried out in theaters, libraries, museums.
Yesterday our newspaper raised the issue with at least several articles reporting not only the text of the DPCM but also the opinion of the director of the school of Lozzo Atesino Alfonso D’Ambrosio.

In fact, the Ministry specifies that educational activities that take place routinely and not occasionally in non-school settings (eg parks, theaters, libraries, archives, cinemas, museums), also following specific agreements such as “community agreements”, carried out in collaboration with local Authorities , public and private institutions that operate in various ways in the territories, the realities of the Third Sector, continue to be allowed regularly after the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers signed on October 13 ”.

“But the Dpcm – explains the ministerial note – It does not refer to ordinary educational activities organized by schools in alternative spaces located outside school buildings to prevent and contain the spread of infection and promote physical distancing in contexts of action other than the usual ones ”.

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The truth is that yesterday there were really many protests also because the provision contained in the DPCM immediately appeared completely in contradiction with the “philosophy” professed so far not only by the Minister of Education but also by many other exponents of the majority of the Government.
Obviously, we can only rejoice that, from time to time, in Rome they have decided to listen to the voice of school operators and those who know the world of school closely.

The bitterness remains for a frankly disconcerting way of proceeding: a DPCM is issued without asking half a question about the possible consequences of certain expressions and then, faced with the tests, we run to cover ourselves with explanatory notes that could easily be Less.

Also because, at this point, the Ministry should be asked to explain what are the “educational outings, whatever they are called” that, in accordance with the Prime Minister’s Decree, would remain suspended until November 13.
And, if you really want to split your hair in four, how should you consider the guided tour of the X Museum that is located two kilometers from the school? Is it prohibited, as the DPCM says, or is it allowed as the ministerial note says on the condition that it is not considered a “guided tour” but rather an “ordinary teaching activity”?
