In the course of ‘Campania Sport’, the journalist Umberto Chiariello Napoli-Roma commented to the microphones of Channel 21 in your usual editorial: “When Politano takes possession of the ball and enters the slalom jumping at opponents like pins, we all thought that the spirit of Diego Armando Maradona was present at Napoli tonight. Politano’s goal was Napoli’s sugello who played it all and with Gattuso risking letting the team renewal and the season get out of hand. Today was an unmissable opportunity, Juve hit again on the head and Lazio, Atalanta and Sassuolo lost at home. Tonight there were some divine signs at the San Paolo. Insigne’s extraordinary punishment, Dries Mertens with his 129th goal has put the stamp after showing great humility by apologizing to Maradona on social media for bringing his name closer to his. This Napoli changing his skin, in fact restoring a 4-3-3 that in the phase of non-possession turned into a 4-1-4-1 with Demme very well to shield everything and with Fabián closer to the goal and to return in goal, put a Rome with patches in crisis. This could be the future way out the door. This victory is a dedication that transcends the natural. Maradona was the best player of all time and although we look at the player’s statistics it would not seem that way. Brera called him the ‘Divine Gubia’ for his physique that didn’t look like an athlete, but was from another planet. Like Mohammed Ali, he was the political essence of sport, the manifesto of the poor and the weak in rebellion with the world where he defeated the powerful. Do moralists make me sick, do they condemn the great artists and great characters of history for their private lives? To those who have brought joy to the world, the world shows respect, just as the All Blacks did yesterday. Maybe he would still be alive if we hadn’t idolized him like we did in Naples, so we didn’t help him, but how could you not idolize him?“
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