Claudio Anellucci, agent and former representative of Cavani, spoke live on ‘Punto Nuovo Sport Show’, broadcast on Radio Punto Nuovo. This is what Tuttonapoli highlighted: “After the last year in Palermo, Moratti had practically taken Cavani, we called the sports director several times and after 15 days we decided to take other paths. A week later we signed with Napoli, it was I who spoke a while before, at a private dinner, with the president’s son, Edo. We chatted a lot, we’ve known each other for a long time, this took shape within a few months, after which we did everything with Micheli and Bigon.
Juventus? For a couple of years, I can no longer intercede for Edinson’s personal and professional decisions, there is another person who takes care of it. I cannot go deep, I can say that knowing Cavani very well, I don’t think I can do an operation like this. There is a very clear interview from a while ago and he told me not to wear another Serie A shirt outside of Naples, until he denies it, for me it is the Bible.
Why don’t you have a team? I think it is a mistake of those who manage at the moment, a player like him, at this moment, must be among the best clubs in Europe for what he has to give, between head and legs. Suarez? I strongly believe that sometimes the arrogance and arrogance of some coaches who can make decisions pay off. Barcelona is not a team, it is a museum. Messi feels much more Catalan than Argentine, treating him with a 700 million clause is one of the worst management mistakes. Final eight? These are choices that I cannot allow myself to judge, I would have advised you to behave differently. The game, in my humble opinion, would have been different with Eddy on the field. Back to Naples in recent years? I can’t answer because I really don’t know. I think there are things that have never been fixed with someone. Lazio? If I said yes I would be crazy because I have no papers to speak of Being a fan of my team would be a dream. I would definitely have recommended it. “
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