Ecobonus auto and its “brothers”: which are at risk and which are not


In recent months, thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting economic crisis, we were literally inundated with bonuses of all kinds. The Government, in an attempt to “keep the economy afloat”, has devised a bonus for more or less everything: from the eco-bond car to the 110% Superbonus to renovate the house, from the electric bci bci to the bond vacation.

However, not everyone enjoyed the same fortune and appreciation. While some sold out in a few days and they have already been refinanced (but probably not even the second injection of liquidity will be enough to reach the end of the year), others have been almost completely ignored and most of the financial coverage assigned by the Executive can be reused in other chapters of expenses. But which bonuses fared best, and which ones were almost completely ignored? Let’s find out together.

Boom for vehicle bonus: cars, bikes and motorcycles are hooked

To date, the Government has planned three different bonuses for so many “alternative driving” vehicle categories. And all three measures have found favor with the Italians.

the Car voucher, which encourages the purchase of low-carbon cars (not necessarily zero emissions), has already been refinanced with another 500 million euros, after the first 50 million allocated have been used in just five days. However, it is likely that the 500 million allocated will not be enough to reach the end of the year, as the Executive had foreseen.

the Bonus bikes and electric scootersinstead, it encourages the purchase of “alternative” means for urban mobility. Even if the exact ways to take advantage of the 60% discount on the price of the bike or scooter have not yet been defined, it is easy to assume that the 220 million allocated in May will not be enough. Indeed, pedal-assisted bicycle and scooter sales have seen an unexpected surge, a sign that government resources may soon run out.

Vacation voucher below expectations: 2 billion unused

The situation for him vacation voucher. After a sprint start, the € 500 voucher to travel to Italy seems to have been forgotten. So much so that, according to some analysis, only 1.6 million receipts would have been generated, worth a little more than 650 million. Accounts in hand, there would still be 1.8 billion euros to spend.

To date, it is not known if the Executive wants confirm the voucher also for the winter season, to give vitality to the lifeless tourism sector (only in Florence, for example, there is talk of losses of one billion euros) or if you prefer to divert resources, in part or in full, to other items of expenditure.
