Rome, April 3, 2021 – French Pope in St. Peter’s Basilica, on the Altar of the Chair, he celebrated the solemn Easter Vigil on the Holy Night, regarding the curfew. In the Basilica, in the presence of a contingent of the faithful in compliance with the anti-contagion regulations, the act was brought forward to 7:30 p.m.
Easter mass It will be held at 10 a.m. on Sunday at the Altar of the Chair where the Pope will pronounce the Easter message and impart the Urbi et Orbi blessing. The cardinal who will announce the granting of the indulgence before the Pope’s blessing will be Cardinal Mauro Gambetti, the new archpriest of St. Peter’s Basilica.
Relive the Easter Vigil
The Pope’s words
Pope Francesco: “Here is the first Easter announcement that I would like to give you: it is always possible to start over, because there is always a new life that God is able to restart in us beyond all our failures. Even from the rubble of our heart, each one of us knows, knows the rubble of his own heart, God can build a work of art, even from the ruinous fragments of our humanity God prepares a new history. “Adding:” And in these dark months of a pandemic we hear the risen Lord inviting us to start anew, a never lose hope“.
Jesus “always precedes us: on the cross of suffering, desolation and death, as well as in the glory of a life that rises, of a history that changes, of a hope that is reborn.” Thus, further clarifying the evangelical meaning of “going to Galilee” where “the Risen Lord precedes us”
In addition to the sense of “starting over”, the Pope emphasizes, there is also that of “following new paths.” Here is the second Easter announcement.: faith is not a repertoire of the past, Jesus is not an old-fashioned character. He is alive, here and now. Walk with you every day, in the situation that you are living, in the trial that you are going through, in the dreams that you carry within ”.
It opens new paths where it seems that there are none, it pushes you to go against the current of regret and the ‘already seen’. Even if everything seems lost, be amazed at its novelty: it will surprise you “.
The Pontiff warns: “Many live the ‘faith of memories’, as if Jesus were a character from the past, a friend from his youth now distant, a fact that happened a long time ago, when I attended catechism as a child. An invented faith of habits, of things from the past, of good childhood memories, that no longer move me, they no longer question me ”. Instead, “going to Galilee means learning that faith, to be alive, must return to the road.”
Third meaning: “going to the borders”. The Pope makes us reflect: “Let us learn that we can to find the Risen One in the faces of the brothers, in the enthusiasm of those who dream and in the resignation of the discouraged, in the smiles of those who rejoice and in the tears of those who suffer, especially in the poor and marginalized. “And again:” “We will be amazed at how great God reveals himself in smallness, how his beauty shines in the simple and the poor. ”Thus“ the third Easter announcement: Jesus, the Risen One, loves us without borders and visits all the situations of our life. He has planted his presence in the heart of the world and also invites us to overcome barriers, overcome prejudices, get closer to those who are close “to us every day, to rediscover the grace of everyday life.”
Bergoglio concludes: “Let us recognize him present in our Galilee, in daily life. With him, life will change. Because beyond all defeats, evil and violence, beyond all suffering and death, the Risen One lives and leads the history”. “And with him, life always begins again“.
Easter and Covid
The Easter in times of Covid it tastes different, since everything Italy is in the red zone (What can be done – self certification – second box). But compared to last year, this year the masses are present and the IEC has developed a set of standards to be followed safely. Of course, the celebrations can also continue in live broadcast (under the schedules and how to watch it on tv). In the meantime, the experimentation of anticavula vaccines has begun in 300 parishes in Sicily: and 5,867 people, between 69 and 79 years old, have already booked.
The Pope and the children’s way of the cross – Photos
The Vigil and Easter Mass: TV schedules
Your Tv2000, the CEI station (digital terrestrial channel 55):
– Sunday 4 at 10 am Holy Mass for Easter followed by the blessing ‘Urbi et Orbi’
– Monday, April 5 at 12 noon recitation of the Regina Coeli prayer from the Library of the Apostolic Palace
In Raiuno09.50 am, Holy Mass celebrated by Pope Francis, Easter message and Urbi et Orbi blessing.
Easter Masses: the bishops’ rules
The presidency of the Italian Episcopal Conference has drawn up a formulary with some useful rules Follow the masses according to the anti Covid rules. In pills: the recommendation is celebrate more masses than usual, to favor the presence of the faithful safely and without crowds (at the discretion of the parish priests). The masses will be for those who cannot do it, and especially for the sick and the categories of greater risk. in streaming.
1 – The curfew must be respected; we will go to mass strictly with self certification and in one church as close to home as possible.
2 – When “it is strictly necessary or really useful, it is recommended the use of social networks of participation “in the Masses of Holy Week. The CEI recommends that the eventual resumption of the celebrations in streaming” be live and never differ and special care is taken to respect the dignity of the liturgical rite. “The note asks” to facilitate and favor media coverage of the celebrations presided over by the bishop, encouraging the faithful who cannot attend their own church to follow diocesan norms celebrations as a sign of unity “.
3 – The Easter Vigil may be celebrated in all its parts as required by the rite, in time compatible with any curfew. These indications extend to seminaries, priestly colleges, monasteries and religious communities. As for the manifestations of popular piety and processions, it is the diocesan bishop who offers the appropriate indications.
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Pope Francis celebrates the Easter Vigil (Ansa)
Pope Francis celebrates the Easter Vigil (Ansa)
Pope Francis celebrates the Easter Vigil (Ansa)
Pope Francis celebrates the Easter Vigil (Ansa)
Pope Francis celebrates the Easter Vigil (Ansa)
Pope Francis celebrates the Easter Vigil (Ansa)
Pope Francis celebrates the Easter Vigil (Ansa)
Pope Francis celebrates the Easter Vigil (Ansa)
Pope Francis celebrates the Easter Vigil (Ansa)
Pope Francis celebrates the Easter Vigil (Ansa)
Pope Francis celebrates the Easter Vigil (Ansa)
Pope Francis celebrates the Easter Vigil (Ansa)
Pope Francis celebrates the Easter Vigil (Ansa)