A shock of earthquake of magnitude 3.3 he woke up Rome this morning at 5:03. The epicenter in the northeast area, in Fonte Nuova. The earthquake was clearly felt throughout the capital and in particular between Tivoli and guidonia. Some people took to the streets, suddenly awakened by the commotion. Many calls to the distribution boards of law enforcement agencies, but at this time the Fire Brigade controls no harm to people or things.
The earthquake was clearly felt by the population. the guidonia montecelioTivoli Monterotondo many people, also awakened by roar that preceded the crash, took to the streets despite the storm that was unleashed immediately after the earthquake. they are fifteen the common included inside 20 kilometers from the epicenter of the earthquake, as pointed out by the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology. The municipalities are Fonte Nuova, Mentana, Monterotondo, Roma, Guidonia Montecelio, Sant’Angelo Romano, Riano, Ciampino, Tivoli, Castelnuovo di Porto, Sacrofano, Palombara Sabina, Frascati, Formello and Capena.
“Let’s not talk about one strong shock earthquake, this is a magnitude frequent In our country Milkshakes like these of magnitude 3.3 recorded hundreds if not thousands during the year. The shock that was felt in Rome woke up many people, but did not cause damage in the municipalities of Fonte Nuova, Mentana and Monterotondo, which are the municipalities closest to the epicentral area. “He said it Pierfrancesco De Milito, press officer of Civil protection intervening a ‘RaiNews 24‘. “The tranquility It is not an attitude that applies to seismic risk, he added, but knowing that Italy is a country exposed to this risk, we should not Wonderful or scare of crashes like these. “
The earthquake felt developed today “in one area little known due to the seismicity “, underlines neverthelessadnkronos the director of the Ingv National Earthquake Observatory, Salvatore Stramondo. “In the known historical series, the most important earthquake” in this area of the country “is that of the beginning of the last century Palombara Sabina“Remember Stramondo, who also indicates the area of the Castelli Romani, south, as the best known seismicity area. “We need to move north to the Palombara Sabina area, and back to 1901, to find, in the historical series, a major earthquake equal to 5.2 magnitude “compared to today’s earthquake.
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