Earthquake in Naples, two other shocks in Pozzuoli: more than twenty phenomena, the seismic swarm ended at 7.23


The seismic swarm that affected the area ended this morning at 7.23 am Campi Flegrei, which culminated in two crashes of magnitude 2.7 and 2.3, respectively at 22.54 last night and 4.13 this morning. The second seismic event was located at the Vesuvius Observatory in the area of ​​the Aeronautical Academy, in the municipality of Pozzuoli, at a depth of 1.7 km. The event was followed by a seismic swarm of four tremors that also occurred in the area of ​​the Air Force Academy, with a magnitude between 0.1 and 1.7 between 4.15 and 4.21. Some events, said the municipal administration of Pozzuoli, may have been accompanied by roars warned by the inhabitants of the area near the epicenter.


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