Borgo San Lorenzo (Florence), February 20, 2021 – Earthquake early in the afternoon of Saturday February 20 in the province of Florence. Shock, 3.1 gradi Richter, was warned in various areas of the province and the capital.
The epicenter was in Mugello, between Borgo San Lorenzo and Vicchio, zone already the scene of an earthquake in December 2019 which caused various damage and blocked an entire area for days. The exact epicenter was in Santa Maria a Vezzano, part of the municipality of Vicchio. In this new commotion on February 20, no damage to people or property is reported. The Operations Room of the Civil Protection of the Metropolitan City of Florence was activated for the required controls.
But fear returns to Mugello anyway, after the earthquake in now more than a year ago. Many locals in the area have remembered those days of fear and uncertainty. Immediately after the earthquake, many citizens left their homes. The President of the Region Eugenio Giani he contacted the mayors of the area. “There was a big boom – says the president – There is no damage but we continue to monitor the situation with the Civil protection“.
That there are no criticisms is also confirmed by the world of volunteering. “We left immediately – let’s say from Vab Valdisieve – with a team, Defender 85, for verification and control over the municipalities of our competition. At the moment there are no criticisms ”.
“The Civil Protection – says the mayor of Scarperia San Piero Federico Ignesti – You are monitoring together with the police if there has been damage at the moment, it seems that not. The commotion was clearly heard. ”
The mayor of Borgo San Lorenzo speaks of “strong blow” Paolo Omoboni. Even here there is no damage, but obviously, the mayor explains, the verifications will be deepened to see if there has been structural damage.
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