Earthquake in Croatia, also felt in Trieste and in Veneto-


A very strong shock from earthquake hit the Croatia.

The epicenter, according to initial information, would be about a hundred kilometers from Zagreb. Preliminary estimates speak of an impact of one degree higher than 6. The Reuters news agency, citing the GFZ – German research center in geosciences – speaks of provisional magnitude of 6.4 degrees and a depth of about 10 kilometers, an estimate shared by the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (Ingv). According to the AP agency, the European Mediterranean Seismological Center speaks of an earthquake of 6.4 degrees, and of an epicenter 46 kilometers from Zagreb. Multiple testimonies speak of a crash that lasted more than twenty seconds.

The shock felt in Italy

The The impact was clearly felt throughout northeastern Italy., from Veneto to Friuli Venezia Giulia to Romagna. Many users wrote on Twitter, from Trieste to Venice, to Milan, Bergamo, Bormio (where a world ski race was taking place). Reports also came in from the Naples area. Verifications by the Italian Civil Protection in the territories closest to the epicenter – Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto – have not, so far, led to reports of criticism or damage.

The blackout in the capital and the news about damages

me to damage – according to the first reports – would be huge, with collapsed roofs, damaged facades and entire buildings destroyed. Images on local television show some people rescued under the rubble. The center of Petrinja, one of the cities closest to the epicenter of the earthquake, would have been completely destroyed. The local media speak of at least one victim.

In the capital Zagrabria, the electricity supply has been skipped, as reported by the Ansa agency. Zagreb’s local authorities have urged the population to go to open places and avoid being near buildings in danger of collapse.

Yesterday, the area was affected by another violent earthquake of grade 5.2. In March, a 5.3 magnitude earthquake caused serious damage in the Zagreb area, with one death and 27 injuries.

The earthquake was also felt in Serbia and Bosnia.

Article updating …

December 29, 2020 (change December 29, 2020 | 13:14)

