Drunk in the silos: Francesco, who had tried to save his brother, also died – La Stampa


In a generous and desperate attempt to save his brother, poisoned by the fermentation gases of the corn just stored in the silo on the family farm, he too was poisoned. For three days, Francesco Gennero, 25, had been struggling suspended between life and death in an intensive care bed at Savigliano hospital. Francesco did not succeed: he is the second victim, with his 22-year-old brother Davide, of a morning’s work turned into a tragedy in a farmhouse in Cavallermaggiore. After three days of irreversible coma, due to gas fumes from shredded corn, only the legal opinion of the medical commission is awaited for the declaration of death. Despite attempts by doctors, the young man never showed signs of recovery.

Tragedy in the Cuneo area, the brothers fall into a silos: what happened.

A drama that took place in a few moments, last Thursday. Shortly after dawn, Davide was inside the silos of the family farm, in the Madonna del Pilone field. I was leveling the corn silage cut the day before and stored in the large structure behind the farmhouse. He worked at a height of 35 meters, almost to the top. Still a short time and the silos would have been full and ready to carry out their function of storage of food that will be used in the coming months for the animals raised on the farm.

They fall into a silos due to fumes, the scene of the accident in Cavallermaggiore

But David suddenly collapsed to the ground, unconscious. Francesco, who was working on the roof of the silos with his father Claudio, came down to try to get him to safety, and he too passed out. It was the father who raised the alarm and dragged the bodies of the two children out of the structure. But both young men never regained consciousness.

Tragedy in the Cuneo area, flying over the silos where the two Gennero brothers fell

What exactly happened at those times, only the Spresal investigation can tell. Regarding the case, the Cuneo Prosecutor’s Office opened an investigation and placed the area under seizure. It will be necessary to verify if the security and ventilation systems within the structure were functional or if there was any failure. Storage and ventilation of corn and feed within silos is a common operation on farms. Davide and Francesco were also aware of the procedures and risks, and had performed these operations on other occasions. Francesco’s gesture, descending a few meters to the large cylinder full of corn, was dictated by the desire to save his brother in distress, an act of courage that he has now paid for with his life.
