Drowned in Garda, farewell to Manuel “Husband and father present, a faithful friend” – EcoDiBergamo.it


Drowned in Garda, farewell to Manuel

The funeral of Manuel Sonzogni

(Photo by Colleoni)

  • Wednesday 16 September 2020

On Wednesday, September 16, at the parish church of Tribulina, the community gave its last goodbye to Manuel Sonzogni, a 41-year-old builder and father of three who drowned on Saturday afternoon in the waters of Lake Garda, in Toscolano Maderno, where he had dived for apnea.. Manuel, a native of Albano and a neighbor of Gavarno Vescovado, was known in the area for his work and commitment to the community: he had been, among other things, a volunteer at the party sought by the parish and by the football club where they play. two of the three children. The funeral was attended by a delegation of young people from the ASD Tribulina Gavarno. “Manuel was a man rich in relationships – said the parish priest Don Bruno Baduini – a husband in love, a present father and a faithful friend. He lived a life rich in faith in the Lord who prayed and testified in community.

The arrival of the coffin in the church of Tribulina

The arrival of the coffin in the church of Tribulina

(Photo by Colleoni)


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