drawbacks and slowdowns, the updated situation


In the karst plateau it snows and the inconveniences and slowdowns of public and private traffic begin. Trieste Trasporti announces that lines 51 and 51 / do not reach Gropada, the Science Park Area and the Sincrotrone Elettra laboratories. Line 3 does not go through Conconello / Ferlugi and line 43 does not go through Slivia. Delfino Verde maritime connection suspended due to bad weather.

Trieste City Council announces that closed gardens and parks will be closed to the public throughout the day. In any case, access to the structures present in Villa Sartorio and the church of Villa Revoltella will be guaranteed. At 10:30 in most of the plateau it still snows with different intensity, for now all roads are open and passable. Trieste City Council recommends taking Via Bonomea y Commerciale and Strada del Friuli with caution. Salt spreaders are operating in the territory.

Scala Santa, via Bonomea and vicolo delle Rose from the junction with via Commerciale are closed to traffic to allow the intervention of the AcegasApsAmga salt spreaders and shovels.

All the information available on the Telegram channel of the Municipality of Trieste that you can find at this link.

Trieste Trasporti updates

Mineral 12:18

Line 43 does not go through Slivia, Prepotto and Rupinpiccolo.

Line 4 does not reach Campo Romano.

Line 38 again regular

Line 28 does not pass via dei Giaggioli and towards the city it passes via Strada Nuova per Opicina.

Lines 2 / and 64 again regular.

Line 6 does not reach Grignano, it backs up at the Miramare junction.

Line 35 does not reach Longera, it backs up at Sottolongera.

Line 41 again regular.

Line 40 does not pass through Prebenico and Caresana, limited routes to Dolina (town hall).

Lines 42 and 44 do not reach piazza Oberdan but limit the walks along the Largo Osoppo: connection between piazza Oberdan and Largo Osoppo ensured by lines 26 and 38.

Line 51 reaches Basovizza from piazza della Libertà: from Basovizza, chain shuttles are activated for Sincrotrone Elettra, Area Science Park, Banne, Gropada and Villa Carsia.

The news is constantly updated
