Drama at the Policlinico di Monserrato, a one-month-old newborn from Villaputzu dies


A newborn of only one month died during the night at the Monserrato Polyclinic. The little boy, from Villaputzu, had been hospitalized on Saturday. An immense duel, the one that affects the community of five thousand souls of Sarrabus. News of the drama quickly spread among residents, making everyone desperate. A very young life that goes bankrupt and a family that suddenly falls into a drama. From the Polyclinic they announced that “the newborn was hospitalized in neonatal intensive care. Tomorrow there will be an autopsy to establish the causes of death ”. The mayor of Villaputzese, Sandro Porcu, says that “the entire community is upset. The parents of the newborn are known throughout the country, they are a young couple, not even forty years old. I spoke with them, they told me that the little boy had had respiratory problems and that he had not been feeling well for a few days. For our entire community it is a tragedy, this 2020 is really a bad year ”.

A post-obituary has already been published on the Facebook page of the San Giorgio Martire di Villaputzu parish: “Angel of God. An angel who had just left heaven touched earth on November 18, bringing so much joy to hearts from mom and dad, from grandparents and all the relatives. Last night he decided to return to heaven to ask the Child Jesus to bring strength of love and peace to all. To feel condolences for this immense pain to the parents and relatives.
