Draghi’s government, that “triangle” that is the axis of the new executive. The presence of Colao a message for Conte- Corriere.it


On top of all this there is Draghi. And next to him are three important personalities from the dicasteries that he considers crucial. Because it is true that the government of the former ECB president is more political than technical, that the ministerial structure reflects the balance of power in Parliament, which seems to be an exercise of royal politics. But appearance is a filter that distorts the image. It is enough to remove it and immediately the premier’s project is manifested, which revolves around the triangle Economy-Ecological Transition-Digital Innovation. this the main business of the new executive, the nucleus that will be called to manage the plans for Italy that will come, from the European funds of the Recovery Plan. It is no coincidence that Draghi considers the ministers chosen for this operation as three personalities of great depth for the three crucial dicasteries.

Here’s the safe around which the rest of the team was built, that’s the mole The Prime Minister considers him balanced and capable of being able to work in peace. satisfied with the work, and the autonomy that was taken in the selection of political ministers as a result of the autonomy that the Head of State had granted him at the time of his mandate: in fact, as he had anticipated in the consultations, he informed the secretaries from the list just a few minutes before going up to the Quirinale. Imagine that no one can be dissatisfied, but this is one way of making the final judgment on the majority leaders: because if it was up to him to summarize, now it is Parliament’s turn to have the last word. Trust will come, of course, and it will be a kind of trust. ad personam. On the other hand, Draghi’s image covers the rest of the Council of Ministers. And the continuity of his team against the previous executive does not hide in any case the obvious sign of caesura against the previous prime minister. The presence of Colao in the government – also in one of the roles that Draghi considers crucial – a post for Conte, who used the manager instrumentally in the commission called to support the old government, and who was later dismissed without formalities by the ‘now former prime minister.

Behind the change in Palazzo Chigi, a struggle was fought for the power of the deaf of those who tried to resist to the end. The difference with the recent past will soon be seen, for example, in the mechanism for managing the health crisis and who will be called upon to invest the resources to counteract the pandemic. But breaking off It is not only in the upper level of competence of the new cabinet, but also in the way verbs will be conjugated from now on: the future tense will be used by Draghi only for the presentation of the program. Then it will be time to work on reforms. And if the former president of the Consulta, Cartabia, was elected as Guardian, it means that the government has the ambition to heal the wounds of an order, that of the judiciary, which is perhaps more in crisis than political power.

It is there that each party must deal with Draghi’s arrival and his decisions. Not even reading the list of ministers, the vast majority struggling with a violent stress test. The moving (and almost chipped) wing of the Five stars accuses the governors (and Grillo) of not having obtained the Department of Ecological Transition, obviously without attending to the Farnesina left to Di Maio. In the Democratic Party, women rebel and force Secretary Zingaretti to take a position because his commitment has not found representation in the Democratic delegation. But especially in the center right that the uproar breaks out. Salvini seems to be very attached. On the one hand, Meloni has already started to pressure him, pointing a finger at a hostage from the left-wing government and warning him that the Labor Department has been entrusted to a member of the Democratic Party. On the other hand, he has to manage Giorgetti’s presence in the executive, to the point of being forced to remember that at the Carroccio my last word. And then there is Forza Italia, with Berlusconi who must take charge of the insurrection of a part of his party, which was excluded from the government: because the election of the Azzurri ministers coincides with the fault line that Forza Italia crosses.

as if Salvini and Il Cavaliere saw the signs of a political operation, which it will gradually tend to isolate the (post) sovereign and Berlusconian zones with the aim of creating a new political geography. A little of what the irreducible grilling zone of the Movement fears. But yesterday Draghi didn’t seem to mind the twist of the holidays.

February 13, 2021 (change February 13, 2021 | 07:27)

