Draghi, summit on measures and new closings by variants. And go to Salvini: “Lower your tone” – Corriere.it


Too many infections, too many deaths. With the English variant that in mid-March will be predominant throughout Italy, Mario Draghi chooses to continue in the line of maximum caution. No reopening, not yet. The scientists who went up to Palazzo Chigi brought not encouraging data and tables and the Prime Minister, who is not deaf to the political pressure of those who the relaxation of the bans, aims to move on the basis of the numbers and the curve of the virus.

The Covid emergency file is the one that most involves him in these hours, in terms of merit and method. On March 5 the Dpcm signed by Giuseppe Conte expires and the former president of the ECB is work on the new layout, which will maintain the division into colored zones, but will introduce corrective measures to narrow or widen according to the zones. Draghi would have wanted a decree, to mark the discontinuity and above all to leave more space for Parliament. But times are tight, the president wants Italians to be informed in advance and so that this time he can surrender to the instrument of the Dpcm. “Citizens are not subjects,” warned Draghi, determined to sign before the weekend. Decisions cannot be made from above at the last minute, people must have time to inform themselves and organize themselves. Words that Franceschini and Speranza have closely relaunched. In short, Draghi accelerates, but wants the Chambers to have time to express themselves. And so today the Minister of Health will be at Palazzo Madama and then at Montecitorio to explain the scenario in which government decisions mature. “The variant produces increasing difficulties – the minister will say in essence – There is an element of generalized revival, the scientists ask us to close”.

Leaving Palazzo Chigi after the summit with Ministers Speranza, Franco, Patuanelli, Giorgetti, Franceschini, Gelmini and Bonetti, the coordinator of Cts Miozzo tried to reassure: “We have not described a situation of imminent catastrophe.” But Locatelli and Brusaferro did not hide how much the committee’s scientists fear “the worsening of the situation in intensive care.” In this once more dramatic framework, with the third wave that has carried Brescia and beyond, Speranza invites us to move forward “in the wake of the European line, which is certainly not reopening everything.” The minister repeated this at the top of the political control room with Draghi, to whom the party representatives arrived with even opposite positions, divided between rigorists and open-minded ones. A crack that triggered some moments of tension.

On the one hand, the center-right, which asked “a lot of attention to the economy” and saw the link between the League’s Development Minister, Giancarlo Giorgetti, and Mariastella Gelmini, head of the regional affairs force. In the other one Speranza and Dario Franceschini, who would like to turn on the lights in cinemas and theaters as soon as possible because “the risks are where you don’t wear a mask”, but he opposes reopening restaurants at night as Matteo Salvini asks. They say the Northern League leader’s campaign accents have also displaced his deputy Giorgetti. Mario Draghi, who asks the parties for sobriety and balance, yesterday closed half an hour at Palazzo Chigi with the leader of the League and, face to face, suggested caution and invited him to lower his tone. Moral suasion worked, because Salvini changed records and the prime minister seems to have appreciated it. Draghi also spoke about Covid and vaccines in the video call with European leaders Von der Leyen, Merkel, Michel, Costa and Mitsotakis, to coordinate in view of the EU Council on Thursday and Friday. “No one is saved alone”, was the message of the Italian prime minister.

Feb 24, 2021 (change Feb 24, 2021 | 00:01)

