The main novelty, as announced by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza at the press conference, it’s about college: Institutes of all types and levels will be obliged to switch to distance education in red zones and in areas of the country where the incidence of infections exceeds the quota 250 per 100,000 inhabitants. All for the Covid variants. But in new dpcm Signed by Mario draghi, effective from March 6 to April 6, there are also more. Compared to the drafts circulated in recent days, takeout ban after 6pm for bars expires. A measure that the president of Anci Antonio Decaro disputes harshly, arguing that in this way “the meetings at nightlife venues and close to bars and nightclubs frequented mostly by young people. “In addition, in the red zones, from now on, they will have to close their doors. Barber Shop, hairdressers and beauty centers. Like last spring’s national shutdown. In general, the color system, the curfew from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. and, until March 27, the stop to travel between Regions. From that date there is a new reopening: museums also open Saturdays and holidays and green lights to theaters and cinemas in the yellow areas (but only in reserve and with a capacity of 25%). Finally, a discussion table is set up between the ministry, the ISS, the technical-scientific committee and the Regions “with the task of proceeding with any revision or update of parameters for epidemiological risk assessment, also in consideration of the new variantsHere are all the measures provided for by the decree.
SCHOOL NEWS – The issue that the government, the Regions and the CTS discussed for a long time before the green light for the dpcm is that of schools. The point of decline was the closure of institutes of all levels in the red zones. Compared to the last few months, therefore, all pupils living in the worst affected areas (not just high school and middle school, but also elementary and elementary school) will have to move on to distance education. The second novelty applies instead to Throughout the national territory (hence red, orange, yellow and white areas): where the weekly incidence of infections “is more than 250 cases per 100,000 inhabitants or in case of a justified and exceptional situation of worsening of the epidemiological picture ”, the Presidents of the Region may order the closure of all schools.
RED ZONE – As mentioned, the main change in the red zone concerns schools. However, there is one more novelty: to stop infections, the closing of hairdressers, barbers and beauticians, as happened during the first wave of Covid. The travel rules, however, do not change: “It is forbidden any movement in and out of the territories in the red zone too within from the same territories, except movements motivated by proven labor needs or situations of need or for health reasons ”. Return to your home, home or residence is always allowed. Restaurants and bars can only deliver to home and take away (until 6pm), while stores You must lower the shutters completely. “They are closed, regardless of the type of activity that takes place, I markets, with the exception of activities for the sale of soles food, agricultural and horticultural products. the kiosks, tobacconists, pharmacies and parapharmacies“.
ORANGE ZONE – In the orange territories, movements are only allowed within the own municipality, while to move abroad, self-certification is required to demonstrate health, need or work reasons. There is no news, therefore, compared to before. The curfew is not modified either, as is the possibility for those who live in a municipality with less than 5,000 inhabitants move within 30 km of borders (not towards the capital) and visit a only inhabited private house, once a day, within the limit of two more people than those already living together (children under 14 years of age and disabled or non-self-sufficient people are not included in the calculation). Museums and all museums remain closed catering business, which are allowed for delivery and take-out. The shops are open.
YELLOW ZONE – Here the curfew remains unchanged (at night you can only move with self certification certifying needs, health or work reasons), as well as the transfer to a single inhabited private house, once a day, and within the limit of two more people than those already living together (children under 14 years of age and disabled or non-self-sufficient people are not included in the calculation). The rules for events, sports, discos, fairs and masses do not change. As to museums, The opening is confirmed from Monday to Friday. However, as of March 27, the green light will also be given to Saturday and in holidays (provided the ticket has been booked online or by phone at least one day before). There is no news for sports: sports or motor activities are allowed outdoors, while gyms and swimming pools are closed. Competitions are authorized only if Competitive level and recognized as prominent national interest. The activities in the bingo halls are still suspended, as well as in the ski resorts. Schools can open 100% attendance in primary, primary and secondary schools, while up to 75% of secondary schools remain in coeducation. Still suspended me competitions, unless the selection is made electronically (therefore with a curricular evaluation) or the number of attending candidates does not exceed thirty per classroom. Restaurants and bars can do table service until 6pm. Later they are only authorized put off (now also for bars) and the delivery.
WHITE ZONE – In the softer risk band, where currently only Sardinia is found, the main restrictions in force in the rest of the country (for example, restaurants may reopen the will be and there are no travel restrictions, except for specific regional ordinances). However, all health protocols related to distancing and workplaces must be applied, “events that involve gatherings in closed or open spaces, including fairs and congresses, as well as activities that take place in dance halls and discotheques, remain suspended and similar places, outdoors or indoors “. , and citizen participation in sporting events and competitions. “Finally, the dpcm establishes a Permanent technical table, made up of a representative of the Technical-Scientific Committee, a representative of the Higher Institute of Health and a representative of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces concerned, “which is entrusted with the task of to verify, by monitoring the effects of the easing of anti-contagion measures in the “white zone” territories.