Finally he followed the pattern of Carlo Azeglio Ciampi. Mother Mario draghi he also had to rely heavily on the mythical Cencelli Manual: armchairs distributed with hangers. The parties that support the former president of the ECBin fact, it is almost everyone in Parliament: therefore it must have been difficult to find the right place. In the end the ratio is one to two: the technicians are eight, the politicians are 15. Four ministries will 5 star movement, defeat Go Italy, three all League, three to Pd, one to Alive italy and one for Leu. There are eight women out of twenty-three seats in total, just over a third. But let’s go in order.
Nine days after the assignment received by Sergio Mattarella, Draghi climbed to the Colle dissolve the reserve and present the list of ministers to the President of the Republic. Who approved it, signing the nomination decrees: the oath is scheduled for Saturday, February 13 at 12:00 hours, then the prime minister went out to read the list of members of their governments to the press. The dicasteries are practically identical to those of the government of Giuseppe Conte. The main change is linked to the ministry that aroused the most interest: that of Energy transition, asked by Beppe Grillo as a condition for the support of the M5. The new department replaces the Ministry of the Environment, which will absorb the energy-related powers currently assigned to the other ministries. The head of the new department will also chair an inter-ministerial committee that will be created for the energy transition. A delicate role for which the election of Draghi ended in the physical Roberto Cingolani, manager Leonardo, who participated in Sum, the annual conference organized by the Gianroberto Casaleggio foundation. But he was also a guest of the Leopolda of Matteo renzi and of I’ll see, the former group of experts from Enrico Letta. Another technician who was recently at the center of political news is Vittorio Colao, the manager chosen by Conte to lead the working group on restarting in the midst of a pandemic: he will lead the ministry of technological innovation and digital transition.
Here is the list of ministers of the Draghi government
Minister for Relations with Parliament: Federico D’Incà (M5s)
Minister of Technological Innovation and Digital Transition: Vittorio Colao (Technician)
Minister of Public Administration: Renato Brunetta (Forza Italia)
Regional Minister and Autonomies: Mariastella Gelmini (Forza Italia)
Minister of Southern and Territorial Cohesion: Mara Carfagna (Forza Italy)
Minister of Youth Policies: Fabiana Dadone (M5s)
Minister of Equal Opportunities and Family: Elena Bonetti (Italy alive)
Ministry of Disabilities: Erika Stefani (League)
tourism minister: Massimo Garavaglia (League)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation: Luigi Di Maio (M5s)
interior minister: Luciana Lamorgese (Technician)
Ministry of Justice: Marta Cartabia (Technician)
Minister of Defense: Lorenzo Guerini (Pd)
Ministry of Economy and Finance: Daniele Franco (Technician)
Ministry of Economic Development: Giancarlo Giorgetti (League)
Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forest Policies: Stefano Patuanelli (M5)
Ministry of Ecological Transition: Roberto Cingolani (Technician)
Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport: Enrico Giovannini (Technician)
Ministry of Labor and Social Policies: Andrea Orlando (Pd)
Ministry of Education: Patrizio Bianchi (Technician)
Ministry of University and Research: Cristina Messa (Technician)
Minister of Culture: Dario Franceschini (Pd)
Ministry of Health: Roberto Speranza (Leu)