Draghi: fighting corruption also depresses the economy


vote for the chamber

After the premier’s speech in the classroom, the groups’ explanations of vote. At 20 hours the call for the vote of confidence in the government will begin

All key phrases from Draghi’s speech

After the premier’s speech in the classroom, the groups’ explanations of vote. At 20 hours the call for the vote of confidence in the government will begin

2 ‘reading

In the medium term, for the “restart”, the issue of small and medium enterprises “implies and goes through internationalization, access to capital, investments, to strengthen our manufacturing and make it more competitive. It will be necessary to support internationalization, strengthen the credit imposed on investments in research and development in the South and advice for the list of SMEs. We must expand the industry 4.0 plan to encourage and support companies in the process of technological transition and environmental sustainability.

Not only. “A country capable of attracting investors must defend itself against corruption, it must do so anyway. These lead to depressive effects on the economic fabric and free competition ”. Especially because “legality and security are the basis for attracting investment.” Thus Prime Minister Mario Draghi in his response to the debate on confidence in the Chamber. Next, explanations of vote will be given and at 20:00 the call to vote will begin. Waiting, therefore, for the speech of the Prime Minister who tomorrow will also make his international debut as Prime Minister participating in the work of the G7.


Draghi: trial duration is reasonable, according to the EU

In response, Draghi also spoke of justice. He did so saying that the government is committed to “improving civil and criminal justice” and the need for “a fair trial of a reasonable duration in line with the duration of other European countries.” Nor should “the condition of all those who work and live in prisons, often overcrowded, exposed to risk and fear of contagion and particularly affected by the role necessary to counteract the spread of the virus, be neglected.” Regarding crime, “it is true that quantitative data have been improving in recent years, but not the perception that citizens have. And perception must guide and stimulate increasingly effective action.

New endorsement from Grillo to Draghi

After the announcement of the expulsion of the Five Star Movement of the 15 senators who yesterday did not vote their trust in the government headed by Mario Draghi, the official line of support for the executive is “reinforced” by the guarantor of the M5 Beppe Grillo. . The Genoese comedian, in a post on his blog, making a parallel with the name of the probe expected on Mars tonight, writes: «Today, at 21:55, the Perseverance probe will land on Mars. At the same time, perseverance will land on another planet. The earth. More precisely to the Chamber of Deputies. Grillinis are no longer Martians. The Grillini are no longer Martians. Words that sound like a new position in favor of the prime minister.

The M5s kicked out to work for a new group

But, the now old M5s, don’t give up. And if there are those who have already announced that they will file an appeal against expulsion, Mattia Crucioli makes it known that he is working to form a group. Guest of the radio program Un Giorno da Pecora, the senator confirms not only that he is thinking of a new container with the other former pentasteladas, but that he is already working on the name: “Technically we are in the Mixto now, but I – he explains – I want to make a serious opposition. ”The possible birth of a group of former M5s in the opposition would no longer leave only to the Brothers of Italy the distinction of being the only party” against “the government.
