Draft dpcm, what is planned for the school: mask obligation, distance education, extraordinary competition stop



The new Dpcm is approaching, containing the measures aimed at limiting Covid 19 infections. A summary of those relating to the school and the ongoing extraordinary competition. Please note that this is a draft, therefore subject to change. The final text is scheduled for November 4.

National measures and specific measures are foreseen for the regions of greatest risk, the mentioned “orange and red zones”.

National measures

100% superior distance learning – “Second grade secondary schools adopt flexible ways in organizing teaching activities […] so that 100 percent of the activities are carried out through the use of integrated digital teaching. Without prejudice to the possibility of carrying out face-to-face activities if the use of laboratories is required or necessary due to the disability situation of the subjects involved and in the case of specific learning disorders and other special educational needs, guaranteeing in any case the online connection . with the students of the class who are in integrated digital teaching“.

Education and early childhood – The didactic and educational activity for the first cycle of education and for educational services for children continues to be developed in presence.

Mask obligation – The mask will be mandatory in school for elementary and middle school children, even when they are sitting at the desk. Learn more

Travel education – “Educational trips, exchange or twinning initiatives, guided visits and educational outings, as they are called, programmed by educational institutions of all levels and levels, are suspended, without prejudice to activities related to transversal skills paths and to orientation as well as practical activities […] to be carried out in cases where it is possible to guarantee compliance with current health and safety requirements“.

Collegiate bodies – “Meetings of the collegiate bodies of the school and educational institutions of all levels can only be held remotely. The renewal of the collegiate bodies of educational institutions occurs remotely in compliance with the principles of secrecy and freedom to participate in elections.I”.

Areas characterized by a scenario of maximum severity and high level of risk

Educational activities – “Stop the possibility of conducting in the presence of educational services for children. […] and the first year of high school attendance First grade, school and educational activities are conducted exclusively remotely. Without prejudice to the possibility of carrying out face-to-face activities if the use of laboratories is required or necessary due to the disability situation of the subjects involved and in the case of special educational needs, guaranteeing at the same time the online connection with the students of the class than in integrated digital teaching“At school, therefore, students up to sixth grade.

Parents – In areas of the national territory characterized by a scenario of high and maximum severity and a high level of risk among the movements allowed for parents who accompany their children to school. Learn more

Extraordinary competition

There is a halt to competitions in the Dpcm draft. A momentary stop that also concerns the extraordinary competition whose operations are currently underway.

The Dpcm is expected to go into effect on November 5. The Ministry informed our editorial staff that the November 4 tests will be carried out periodically. Learn more


The Universities, after consulting the Regional University Committee of reference, prepare, taking into account the trend of the epidemiological framework, plans for the organization of classroom and distance teaching and curricular activities in accordance with the training needs, taking into account the evolution of the pandemic territorial framework and the corresponding health security needs.

New DPCM, curfew from 10pm, face-to-face teaching for children and primary schools in the red zones. DOWNLOAD DRAFT [PDF]

