Dpcm, yellow zone of Marche. Moderate criticality, here are the measurements – Chronicle


Ancona, November 4, 2020 – The color of Market and the yellow, based on new Dpcm with the country subdivision in areas with higher or lower risk of infection. The official color of the bands (red, orange or yellow) came with the Giuseppe Conte press conference, started at 20.20. Several indicators have already suggested that the area with the least restrictions weighs on the population of Marche. The Dpcm will be in force from Friday “so that everyone can organize their activities in the best possible way,” the premier began.

Yellow arera: moderate criticality

In the yellow zone with moderate criticality, with the Market Also included are Basilicata, Lazio, Abruzzo, Emilia Romagna, Campania, Liguria, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Molise, the province of Trento and Bolzano, Sardinia, Tuscany, Umbria and Veneto.

Dpcm, Conte has signed. All measurements – Dpcm, Emilia Romagna is also a yellow zone


Circular prohibited from 10pm to 5am in the morning, except for proven business reasons, needs and health. Recommendation not to travel except for reasons of health, work, study, situations of need.

From shopping centers to museums

Closing of shopping centers on holidays and the eve of holidays except for pharmacies, parapharmacies, food points, tobacconists and kiosks inside.
Closing of museums and exhibitions.


Distance education for secondary schools, except for students with disabilities and in case of use of laboratories; teaching men presence for preschool, elementary schools and middle schools. Colleges closed, except for some freshman activities and labs.

Public transport

Up to 50% discount on public transport, except school transport.


Suspension of arcade, betting, bingo and slot activities also in bars and tobacconists.


Bars and restaurants close at 6 pm Take-out is allowed until 10 pm There are no restrictions on home delivery.

Sports and free time

The swimming pools, gyms, theaters and cinemas remain closed. The sports centers remain open.

The contagion today in the Marches

Meanwhile today in the Marches 653 positives have been detected to covid su 2,267 swabs healed along the way, with an incidence of positivity equal to 28.8% (While of the total of 3,653 swabs analyzed, of which 1,386 healed in the course, the positives are 17.8%). The highest number of cases was registered in the province of Ancona: 220. Meanwhile, the number of hospitalized for covid continues to grow: according to data from the Health Service of the Region, they reached 452 in the last 24 hours (+25 that of Yesterday). However, the number of people admitted to non-intensive wards is growing (288, +33 yesterday), while in intensive care it has 54 patients, only one more than yesterday.

Covid Marche, the incidence of positives grows in the November 4 newsletter

Covid Hospital: open the second module

Today also saw the inauguration of the second module of the Covid Hospital: 14 beds to be dedicated to intensive care. A few days ago, a first module was activated, recalls Mayor Fabrizio Ciarapica. “We would have preferred that the Covid Hospital had been left empty – he adds – but its reuse is confirming the goodness of the choice adopted in the spring with the first wave of the virus. Having this center available is allowing the hospitals of Camerino to remain ‘clean’, Macerata and Civitanova, which can thus continue in their usual activities, even if they are partially reduced due to lack of staff.

The first military doctors arrive

Meanwhile, the first two military doctors arrive, after the request made by the Councilor for Health Filippo Saltamartini, which aims to equip the structures with “lane guards”, strengthening health care in place. But among the objectives there are also preventive tampon checks and staff tests. It is necessary to understand how the coronavirus reached nursing homes, where visits from friends and family have long since stopped.

The other news of Covid and Dpcm of November 4

Vittorio Sgarbi at dinner at Umberto Carriera. “I’m on your side against the various Dpcm”
