Dpcm was already expected on Monday. Stop the aperitif standing up after 9pm and curfew at 12pm


Closing of public events and private parties, stop to contact amateur sports

At Palazzo Chigi we argued for more than three hours. The Government met, summoned by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. With them, the heads of delegation. Throughout the afternoon of Saturday, October 10, the meeting took only one course: given that Coronavirus infections in Italy continue to increase, the executive does not rule out bringing the Dpcm forward to Monday with the new restrictive measures, starting with the anti-movement films (with the stop on the 21st until the possibility of eating food and drinks standing on the premises) considered essential to prevent the situation from getting out of control. Among the ideas on the table, that of closing the premises at midnight (previously it was thought at 23), an hour that would not have negative repercussions on restaurants.

But not only. Then there is the hypothesis, as mentioned, to anticipate the launch of the Dpcm on Monday night but – sources cited by Ansa explain – given that times are very limited, it cannot be ruled out that the new tightening will be implemented, as expected, starting next Wednesday, October 14 at night. In any case, the ministers involved in the new measures – which will also include a remodeling of smart work – will work on the development of the measures. Obviously, the development of the program will also be in charge of the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza.

Apart from the (for now) total blockade, a priori measures are not excluded, given the worsening of the situation. Limitations for public events and private parties are likely to skyrocket first (as is also repeated by experts and experts for days, an analysis of the data shows, infections would occur primarily among family and friends), including weddings and baptisms, until funeral. Another hot topic is public transport: 80 percent of capacity, much higher than what the CTS indicates, could be reduced as a threshold. It must not be forgotten that, among the key points, is the suspension of amateur contact sports, such as football.
