Dpcm: this is what you can do by area – Policy


From the night curfew to the maximum possible smart work, from the mandatory mask always at school to the stop on cruise ships: here are the measures of the new Prime Minister’s Decree (Dpcm) according to the circulated draft.

– COPRIFUOCO FROM 10 PM TO 5 AM – “From 10 PM to 5 AM, you only travel motivated by proven work needs, by situations of need or by health reasons – read the draft of the Dpcm -. In any case, it is highly recommended to all individuals, throughout the day, not to travel in public or private means of transport, except for reasons of work, study, health, situations of need or to carry out activities or use of services not suspended “.

– MOBILITY – In high-risk areas that fall under scenarios 3 and 4 indicated in the document of the Higher Institute of Health (ISS) – those characterized by a ‘high severity scenario and those in which there are’ maximum severity situations – “Any movement inside and outside the territories is prohibited.” In Scenario 4 areas, it is also prohibited to travel “within the same territories”, except for work, health and to accompany children to school.

– SCHOOL – The mask will be compulsory in primary and secondary school, even when children are sitting at the desk, “except for those under six years of age and for those with incompatible pathologies or disabilities” with the use of the mask. . Distance learning will also be in force in the red zones for the second and third grade.

– SMART WORK – Smart work at the highest possible level, both in the public administration and in the private sector, and differentiated personnel entries: In the public sector it will be the task of each person in charge to guarantee the highest level of smart work.

– TRANSPORTATION – On board local public transport and regional rail transport, “a load factor not exceeding 50 percent” is allowed; this with the exclusion, however, of “exclusive school transportation”, that is, school buses.

– SPORTS AND MOTOR ACTIVITIES – Sports activities are suspended in the red zones, including those of sports centers and clubs, even if they are outdoors. It is allowed “to carry out individual motor activities in the vicinity of the home, provided that in any case the distance of at least one meter from any other person is respected and with the obligation” of masks. You can do “sports activity exclusively outdoors” and alone. In the rest of Italy sports clubs remain open, but the use of changing rooms is prohibited.

– SHOPS, RESTAURANTS AND SHOPPING CENTERS – The activity of shops and markets in the Regions, Provinces and Municipalities of maximum risk (red zones) also stops. For the high-risk areas, therefore, in the orange areas, the shops remain open, but the bars and restaurants close. Shopping centers throughout Italy are closed on weekends

– HAIRDRESSERS, HAIRDRESSERS AND BEAUTY – Will be closed in the red zones.

– EXHIBITIONS, MUSEUMS AND GAME ROOMS – Suspension of the activities of the games rooms, betting rooms, bingo halls and casinos, even if they are carried out in premises intended for different activities. In addition, exhibition services and public opening of museums and other institutes and cultural places are suspended. – CRUISES – Passenger ship cruises flying the Italian flag, excluding those in progress until November 8.

– COMPETITIONS – No more public and private tests, except those of health personnel and also “with the exception of cases in which the evaluation of candidates is carried out exclusively in a curricular or electronic way or in which the commission considers it necessary to correct written tests with remote connection “.

– TRAINING COURSES AND DRIVING SCHOOLS – Public and private courses (with some exceptions, such as medicine) only with remote mode. Theoretical and practical courses and tests of civil motorization driving school and in driving schools are allowed, but “in the face of a particular worsening of the epidemiological situation”, the temporary suspension of practical driving tests will be ordered.
