“Dpcm, they send us the text at 10 and they want answers in an hour” – Libero Quotidiano


“They send us the decree at the last minute and then expect a response in a short time.” TO Attilio fontana They don’t like the way the government is moving, with the governors first. “They send us the text of the decree late at night, they know that the comparison between the regions is set for 10 in the morning and Do you ask us to respond before 11?“, the president of the Lombardy in an interview with Corriere della Sera. Compare with Rometherefore it is turbulent. Fontana, however, continues to wait for the indications given by the regions to be received and returns to the question of the calendar: “Since they have consulted me, I would like them to give me time to say my opinion with good reasonThe governor, then, denies those who think that the regions want to soften the measures decided by the executive: “It is not like that, I would rather say that we feel the responsibility to find the balance point between the health and life needs of people and the economy. “

I only see nonsense.  In the middle of the night, Giovanni Toti's outbreak against a government in disarray

Regarding the problems with the flu vaccine in Lombardy, President Fontana defends himself as follows: “First of all, there was a general difficulty in finding the vaccine, but not in Lombardy but throughout Italy, because the companies themselves were They found late with supplies“And again:” Then we also say that here we have distributed 2.1 million doses and that some problems have arisen for the distribution. “The governor, however, makes it known that – despite the difficulties – Lombardy already has reached last year’s levels, also in line with the higher demand coronavirus and all the limits of territorial medicine that have emerged, however, Fontana explains: “In Lombardy the Usca have reached 175 units and many initiatives have been launched in the territories. But the truth is that we are all discounting the price from too many cuts from the past“.
