Actions are taken gradually according to the criticality threshold registered at the territorial level.
by Nicola Barone and Andrea Gagliardi
Actions are taken gradually according to the criticality threshold registered at the territorial level.
3 ‘reading
The meeting with Regions, Municipalities and Provinces on the new anti-Covid measures scheduled for 3.30 p.m. has been postponed to 5 p.m. at the request of Minister Boccia. The postponement is explained by the need to have the final text of the Dpcm, which is still being worked on, with the aim of approving it in the afternoon. The measure aims to divide the country into three areas, with diversified risk scenarios and gradually more restrictive measures. Lombardy, Piedmont and Calabria could be the candidate regions for the most decisive tightening. Given the national framework, the “scientific and objective” criteria validated by the Higher Institute of Health will guide the adoption, case by case, of actions to contain the epidemic. “The attempt being made is not to paralyze the country: it will not be a rigid confinement, but similar to the German model, a light confinement,” explains the Undersecretary of Health, Sandra Zampa in an interview.
General closures
In essence, the action is taken gradually according to the criticality threshold registered at the territorial level. In Parliament, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte spoke of a “new body of restrictive measures” pointing out seven interventions that will affect the entire country: the closure of shopping centers on holidays and before holidays, with the exception of essential activities in the interior (pharmacies, parapharmacies, food, tobacconists and kiosks); the closure of “corners” used for betting and gaming activities wherever they are, so no more slot machines in bars and tobacconists; the closure of all museums and exhibitions; the reduction of the filling capacity of buses and subways of local public transport with the capacity ranging from 80% to 50%, a measure requested for months by the Scientific Technical Committee to reduce the spread of the infection. Through the 75% percentage of dads per week and digital lessons from home every day for high school students (but elementary and middle school students stay in class, at least in regions that have not yet enforced more restrictive ordinances), stop traveling to and from those Regions that have high risk coefficients (possible exceptions only for proven work needs, study reasons, health and needs) and the curfew from 9 pm or 10 pm (there are still an ongoing debate in the majority).
Italy divided into three
Three scenarios are indicated. The classification of a Region in one of the three indicated scenarios (“red”, “orange” and “green”) will be decided by the Ministry of Health by order based on the 21 reference parameters. Some of them have been pointed out by the premier himself: these are the Rt index, outbreaks and the situation of occupation of hospital beds. In the first band will be the Regions considered “higher risk”, therefore those where the situation is compatible with the one hypothesized in “scenario 4” of the ISS document with an Rt greater than 1.5 and an “uncontrolled transmissibility” of virus. To consider the current data potentially involved would be Piedmont, Lombardy – both with Rt above 2 – and Calabria but the situation may change: in the next few hours the updated monitoring data will be available, with the CTS that will meet to analyze them in con in order to deliver to the government the most current “photograph” of the epidemiological situation in Italy.
School in attendance through sixth grade in red areas
This is the range in which the most restrictive measures are envisaged: from local closures at the provincial level for at least 3 weeks to the limitation of individual mobility to the closure of bars, restaurants and shops (with the exception of essential activities) and mobility limitations (from / to high transmission areas). Second and third grade schools should also be online (Campania, for the moment, has gone further by including the entire first cycle in integrated distance education, thus including nursery and primary school), as well as secondary school. Elementary and sixth grade would continue to attend.
Bars and restaurants closed in the orange areas
On the other hand, in the second orange band are all those territories in which the risk factor is compatible with “scenario 3”, with an Rt between 1.25 and 1.5 and a “sustained and generalized transmissibility with maintenance risks of the health system in the medium term “. In this case, “somewhat less restrictive” interventions are foreseen, such as the closing of bars and restaurants throughout the day, limitations to mobility in Municipalities and Provinces. In the last yellow band, the third, will end all the Regions that have a risk index compatible with “scenario 2”, where the RT is between 1 and 1.25. Only nationally valid measures will apply here.