Rome, November 7, 2020 – Stop the Christmas markets even in the yellow zone, taking children to grandparents is “strongly discouraged”, but not prohibited, in whatever region you are in. the government spread the expected Frequently asked questions relative to new Dpcm of November 4. These are questions and answers that seek to clarify the latest doubts about the gray areas (the fourth ‘color’ of the arrangement) that now find an interpretation from the most authoritative source. The executive has drawn up a map of Italy with the regions colored as they have been included in the red, orange or yellow zone. The questions are the same for each area, obviously the answers change. And they shed light on the folds of the Dpcm that some may have taken for granted, but could be valuable information for others. Since the rules on travel, self-certification and sport Now it seems established, let’s try to look at some of the FAQ that might be more helpful.
Covid self-certification November 2020: the form in PDF. That’s when you need it
Christmas markets
Stop ai Christmas markets, Also in yellow zone. Local events “with a predominant commercial nature” and also those of a fair nature, as in the case of the “so-called Christmas markets”, but which take place outside the ordinary commercial activity in spaces dedicated to stable or periodic commercial activity, are They will be assimilated to fairs and, therefore, are prohibited.
The old question of traveling by car has returned. With whom? How many? Well, the FAQs make it clear that for all three zones, red, orange and yellow, you can use the car with people on board not living together, provided that the same precautionary measures provided for non-scheduled transport are respected: that is, with the presence of only the driver in the front of the car and a maximum of two passengers for each additional row of rear seats. All passengers must wear a mask unless the car is equipped with a physical separator (plexiglass) between the front and rear row of the car: in this case, the presence of only the driver in the front row and only one passenger is allowed for the back row.
Walk with the dog
The possibility of going out with your pet, due to its physiological needs, is allowed for all areas, without a time limit, but without crowds and maintaining a distance of at least one meter from other people.
Second home
It is possible to reach both the first and the second house if both are in a municipality of the yellow zone. If the second home is located in a municipality in the orange or red zone, it is only allowed if it is due to the need to remedy unexpected and unpredictable situations (such as landslides, broken plumbing systems and the like, theft, etc.) and in any case according to strictly functional times and methods to compensate for such situations. If you are in orange zone, access to the second home is always allowed from 5 to 22 in your municipality. From 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., or if you are in another municipality, it is only allowed if due to the need to remedy unexpected and unpredictable situations (such as collapses, broken plumbing systems and the like, theft, etc.) in any case, according to strictly functional schedules and methods to deal with such situations. This last provision also applies in Red zone, where there are no schedule specifications.
Restaurants in hotels
The hotel’s restaurants are also open in the red and orange zones, obviously only for clients staying there. Inside it is allowed (without time limit). In the event that the accommodation does not have this service, “the client will be able to enjoy a restaurant to take away or with home delivery (possibly organized by the hotel), within the allowed time frames, with consumption at the hotel”.
Condominium Assemblies
Face-to-face meetings of the condo are still allowed in all three areas. The government “strongly” recommends the remote modality, but “where this is not possible” it gives the green light to conduct in presence respecting social distancing and protection devices.
Piece of furniture
In the red, yellow and orange zones, furniture or items purchased prior to trade restrictions can be delivered or assembled. The “sales of furniture that were made in stores before the restrictions, which had not yet concluded with the delivery and assembly, can be assimilated to distance selling.”
Separated or divorced
The answer is the same for all three areas: trips to reach minors with the other parent or in any case in the foster home, or to take them with you, are also allowed between Municipalities in different areas. With the understanding that “these trips must be made in any case by choosing the shortest route and complying with all health requirements”.
Children of grandparents
It is still possible in all three areas, “but strongly discouraged”, to accompany children with their grandparents at the beginning or end of the working day. And this “because the elderly are among the categories most exposed to the contagion of Covid-19” and therefore they should avoid contact with other people as much as possible. A move allowed “only in case of extreme necessity”, if both parents cannot stay with their children due to force majeure. Even in this case, it is necessary to travel “the strictly necessary route” to reach the grandparents. Whenever possible, the Government stresses that “it is absolutely preferable for children to stay at home with one of the two parents who take advantage of flexible working arrangements or leave”.
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