Something could change for Christmas, San Esteban and the first day of the year. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte is considering the possibility of changing the rule that would prohibit the displacements between the municipalities on these days of celebration. This at least what Ansa has learned from parliamentary sources. At the moment, in fact, according to the Dpcm of December 3, and in force from Friday 4, it would be prohibited to travel between the municipalities at Christmas, San Esteban and New Year. This rule has created many complaints among the governors of the Regions, firstly Fontana and Zaia.
According to parliamentary sources, the prime minister could now think about revising the decree law on Covid, or at least bringing an update to the government’s frequently asked questions.
What could change at Christmas?
The idea would be to expand the situations of need that would lead to leaving the municipality of residence. In short, the Dpcm that the Count himself had said not modifiable, could now undergo some changes. If this were not the case in the end, Palazzo Chigi’s decision would lead many families to stop seeing each other and exchange good wishes on Christmas days. On the one hand, meetings would be avoided, but on the other, there would be the risk of leaving parents alone during the holidays. Old people. The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, had closed himself to any possibility of change, but now perhaps things can really change. In recent days, the sanctions that could have embittered Christmas in case of violation of the prohibitions of the Christmas decree had also been announced, for those who perhaps thought of evading controls and reaching their families in the Municipality close to theirs.
Pressures at the premiere
The pressure on the Prime Minister is great and seems to come from several points, as well as from the opposition also from sectors that are part of the majority.
The leader of the dem group in the Senate Andrea Marcucci, as reported by Repubblica, clearly said: “I still hope to be able to modify the government decree to widen the range of movements of those who live in small municipalities, during December 25, 26 and January 1. Italy is not only made up of big cities. On Monday I hope that the majority will have a concrete proposal to present to the Government, during the leading group in the Senate “. Even the Pope will yield to the regulations and, as the Holy See has announced, Mass will be officiated by the Holy Father at 7:30 p.m., to respect the 10 p.m. curfew established by the Dpcm.
President Casellati: “the Senate will discuss the motion”
The President of the Senate Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati declared that she had called the Conference of Group Heads for Monday, December 14 at 4.30 p.m. in order to formalize the programming of the motion signed by all the opposition forces in the trips between the Municipalities Christmas Day. The president also added: “After having listened to the Majority Groups, I decided in accordance with article 157 paragraph 3 of the Rules of Procedure that the motion be discussed in the Chamber on Wednesday December 16 after the approval of the Ristori decree. I think it is essential that the Senate be able to express itself on such a vital issue for Italian families ”.