Rome, October 19, 2020 – A significant part of the new Dpcm October 18 to face the second wave of Coronavirus is dedicated to sport with more limitations related to so-called sports Contact. But what are the championships that can continue? What is meant by basic amateur activity? And what about youth activity? Let’s see it together. To resist until November 13, the day the Dpcm expires. Resist Covid-19, of course, but also the strict rules decided by the government for sports activity. Here is a mini-guide to understand how we should behave up to that date in our relationship with sport.
Fans and amateurs
A premise and a distinction: in the last hours it is difficult to get rid of the meaning of ‘amateur ‘ me ‘amateur’. Amateur sport is a futsal match organized between friends, reserving the pitch and without affiliation to federations, sports promotion bodies, amateur leagues, etc. Amateur sport, on the other hand, provides for a membership and membership of recognized acronyms. To give an example: who plays a soccer championship or calcium at 5 also of the lowest category or in a tournament of a sports promotion body is a ‘amateur’. On the other hand, those who organize a ‘tournament’ among friends in the field below their house are ‘Amateur’. Remember that the prohibition of contact sports for amateurs is already in force. In what way? Prohibit the private activity of groups of people who reserve a field in a sports center or facility that has it.
New Dpcm: the definitive text in PDF
The limits and the list of prohibited sports
A good part (as we will see) of defined amateur sport ‘Contact’ – and therefore football, basketball, volleyball, rugby, boxing, martial arts but also team rowing, baseball, softball, water polo, synchronized, handball, American football, hockey, in total there are 130 disciplines – with the new Dpcm el competition prohibition and contests, while the individual workouts. Basically, there will be no games or competitions, but it will be possible to train at all levels, even in the reference sports centers, keeping the distance.
So simple? No. Because this is the starting point for the non-simple interpretive area of government indications. And that is: What are the implementation limits of the new rules? Basically for sports activity provincial level, ma not the regional, National and international. In fact, the Dpcm establishes that “only events and competitions related to individual and team sports recognized as being of national or regional interest by the Olympic Committee, the Paralympic Committee and their respective national federations, associated disciplines and promotional bodies are allowed.” . So it will be the sports and regional “governments” that decide at what level the ban begins.
For example, in some regions football will stop from the first category downwards, in others from the second and in others with only the last category, the third.
The example of Lombardy
The case of the Lombardy may serve as an example, considering that the Region has actually anticipated dpcm by stopping the ‘Excellence’ category championships down and also banning training sessions. And this also applies to youth sports at all levels.
Numbers and youth
In Italy, almost 60 percent of the 4.7 million members of the federations are minors and over three years of age. Young people every ten athletes are under the age of 13. And in football, almost 700 thousand members out of one million and 56 thousand members come from the youth school sector. This is the starting point of the company that awaits sports associations, called upon to maintain sport with the current prohibitions and without being able to count on competitions and competitions.
The minister
On the subject, obviously not easy to interpret until the definitive indications arrive, the Minister of Sport has returned today Vincenzo Spadafora: “Amateur sports matches and competitions continue at the regional and national level, while at the provincial level, sports clubs and associations and promotion bodies will continue to coach team sports but only individually, such as the Serie A teams at the start of Phase 2. To give an example: the team of a very young or chick soccer school will be able to continue training, but without playing matches. ”That is without solitary and spaced matches and training sessions.
Contact sports: the list in PDF
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